try to tell the black hole how their slanted article should have been written. The title itself will anger you. This is CBC's article after yesterday's ruling from Defence Minister Peter MacKay. Will the CBC have the smarts to understand the pulse of the majority of Canadians or will they continue rolling down the hill into nothingness? The comments picked were picked from random pages. As I type this there are over 600 comments and most of them give me hope that we have a fighting chance against islamization of this great country of ours..... but we must never let up on the fight ... NEVER !!
The Big Question now should be : "Why are such religious or cultural events permitted inside the governmental body?" Many people at the DND need to be scutinized once again for any stealth agenda they have managed to hide by taqiyyah and glossing over such events as PR.
westelca21 wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 10:45 AM ET
The real story here is, what the hell is the military doing promoting a specific religion?
Since when has this become the military's responsibility?
Good for McKay for shutting this B.S. down
march2197 wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:20 PM ET
I don't know too much about politics but I think there is too much input from immigrants concerning how our country should be run. For one thing, we do not know of the outcome of influence from these cultures and also do not know their intentions because they have total different views of society. We do not go to their countries and try to convince them of how they should run theirs. and we would probably would not be allowed....
CFL ON TSN wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:20 PM ET
Do people own and finance the government or is it special interest groups? It's time to cut funding to ANY and ALL special interest groups because they do not represent the majority of Canadians
jebiga wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 12:52 AM ET
I can only hope that other Canadian politicians will stop pandering to various religious groups with agendas. All of these groups with their special identities and private needs have no place at the altar of the Canadian state which is public, and secular. It is time to stop all religious interest groups from influencing Canadian public policy.
WhereRRLeaders wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 10:42 AM ET
Peter MacKay made the correct decision. The statements were made by the former head of the CIC and you don't get to the top of that or any other organization without having the support of like-minded individuals or groups withih the organization. If the new Imam is not an extremist then I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, however, he needs to get his membership in line. Canadians have nothing to prove to the Muslim community, we have accepted them into our society, a society not founded on Islam and have protected their rights and freedoms. Canadians have nothing to apologize for nor does MacKay have to make any excuses for his reasoning, it is up to the Muslin community and it's leaders to integrate with our country and our way of life. An representative example of the Canadian "way of life" is that we do not support terrorism, we condemn it. I recommend that the Imam start there.
Mew_Mew wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:12 PM ET
In all fairness, if any organization advocated killing anyone over 18 years of age in any country, they should be banned from speaking in a civilized setting.
Regardless of the country, ireligion, nationality and ethnicity that's being targeted.
No exceptions.
Scott from Ottawa wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 12:05 AM ET
Good decision by the Canadian government.
The problems related to a certain few extremists who carry out their business in the name of Islam will not stop - until the Muslim community itself - denounces, hunts down and prosecutes those who would carry out horrible acts in the name of their own community.
Until such time, we should indeed be wary
letzbfair3 wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 12:13 AM ET
its past time we heard more from the moderate islamic crowd.....stop trying to make it look like were all picking on you. face up to your problems!
JoeTaxpayer wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 12:51 AM ET
It's unnacceptable behaviour to advocate violence against an identifiable group or people. It's a hate crime and an offence under Canadian Law. Yet the past 'president' of the Canadian Islamic Congress went on record justifying indiscriminate slaughter of human beings. The current president nor CIC did not condemn the statements, but merely suggested that "people just speak".
Evidently, the CIC is full of much hatred and intolerance towards those who do not share their opinions. It's sad that these are the values they endear.
gurballySeth wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:12 AM ET
Typical CBC journalism. Yeah, the imam slams MacKay. Why not say that MacKay slams Imam?
Coming from India, I find this CBC kind of appeasement journalism shocking.
Govt should all funding for CBC and let it survive on its own.
In India, the moment private satellite channels came, Government-funded TV network called Doordarshan sank. No one watches it any more. Time to have more private channels in Canada.
JamesWyatt wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:20 AM ET
For those of you free thinkers who believe in peaceful Utopia living in harmony with islam and your good muslim neighbours, here's a true story from Victoria, BC. (keep in mind that ethnicity has nothing to do with any of this islamic stuff)
One muslim teacher to some of our friends kids... told his students last year (here in Victoria) that he did not want any Christian or Christmas celebrations or decorations inside his classroom. (even though there are no muslim students in the school at all).
The school board backed him up for fear of being labelled anti-islamic.
This is where the entire islamic thing is going. Canada's non-muslim population growth right now is at the edge of the threshold of 1.6%
general pop. growth. The islamic population in Canada is growing by:
1) Increased births in muslim families (larger families than the rest of us)
2) Increased converts from .... usually no religion ... to islam
3) Increased immigration of muslims.
Same as Europe.
Canada has become more of a secular nation, moving away from its Judeo-Christian religious roots, and islam is filling that gap slowly but surely.
I have made many predictions in many areas over the years... and so far... I have never been wrong. Social Structuring and demographics do matter and do affect society and culture over time.
fred9972 wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:17 AM ET
The Canadian Islamic Congress does hold extremist views. A belief that the quran in its original ancient arabic is the literally perfect and unchanging moral code of laws of an invisible god is an inherently fundamentalist and extremist belief that runs counter to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of our Constitution.
Monashee1 wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 1:31 AM ET
Our country is secular. MacKay's mistake was even considering allowing this Imam to speak to our military. We accept people of all races and religions in our country - even if they oppress women and sanction mutilation of young girls- and they should be thankful. Should we fund their events too?. I think not-We're spending too many of our collective resources watching the radical Muslims that want to destroy us.
skeptictoo wrote:Posted 2010/10/02at 9:52 AM ET
Excuse me, but church (or Mosque) and state are separate in this country. Why would ANY religion be allowed a voice in national defense? This would be the state part of the equation. We're supposed to be at war in Afghanistan over human rights issues, not religion. I'm sick of hearing the CIC whine about not being heard. Let's see a show of support for the ideals they CLAIM to embrace; a massive demonstration condemning extremist violence would be a good start.
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