There is no doubt about it. President Barack Hussein Obama is the very worst president the USA has been cursed with. I feel sorry for the Americans that they got saddled with this conman. This person who hates his country (that's because, it's likely not his country) and hates the country's Constitution.
....Case in point: Last week, Obama’s State Department handed in America’s first-ever report to the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights in conjunction with something called the “Universal Periodic Review.” In short, the 29-page document (pdf) is a self-aggrandizing report card touting the administration’s far-left domestic and foreign policy initiatives for the world’s approval. The report boasts of racial- and gender-bean-counting in the executive branch; Justice Department outreach to Muslim grievance groups opposed to post-9/11 security measures; teachers’ union payoffs in the federal stimulus law; continuing commitment to closing the Gitmo detention facility for enemy combatants; and the illusory lifesaving effects of Obamacare on minorities through “expanding community health centers” (which have yet to be built, but not that it matters in our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president’s age of post-achievement).
The report also includes a section on “values and immigration,” which essentially singles out Arizona’s immigration enforcement law as a human rights deficiency “that is being addressed in a court action.”.....
Feds sue Sheriff Arpaio Un-believe-able.............simply unbelieveable. Suing the hero of Arizona's law and order? When will this Alice In Wonderland nightmare end ????
A good portion of it will end in November of this year and the rest of the trash will be removed two years afterward.