noun Physics . Also called dalton. a unit of mass, equal to 1 / 12 the mass of the carbon-12 atom and used to express the mass of atomic and subatomic particles.
Yup .... fitting ! All the units of taxes heaped mercilessly on Ontarians who are not on the govt's teats, have become one huge massive mass ready for an explosion of some sort.
However, our clueless liberal Dalton thinks he is just taxing us in small particles of the atom so it won't matter much.
Dear Ontarians, when you get that helpless feeling, which of late has been happening to us constantly, just try to bear the daltonic units bearing down on us from all fronts, stay calm and smile at these cartoons.
Check the above link, the site lists a few of the glaring follies of the Libs in Ontario. They will be gone very soon, so stay calm. Look at what the mayoral polls are showing us and rejoice in that fact.
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