How the Dept of Finance and the Bank of Canada are facilitating sharia finance.
Jovian Capital Corporation ("Jovian") (TSX: JOV) is pleased to announce an agreement with UM Financial Inc. ("UM"), Canada’s premier Islamic financial services company, to explore the launch of a co-branded, Shariah-compliant investment product (the "Shariah Product"). The Shariah Product would be geared toward Canada’s approximately 1 million strong Muslim population, as well as foreign investors looking for a uniquely Canadian, Shariah-compliant investment....
......Muslims in Canada The 1991 Census indicated 253,265 Muslims. By 2001, the Islamic community in Canada had grown to more than 579,000. Preliminary estimates for 2009 point to a figure close to 1 Million representing close to 3% of Canada's population. The first recorded Islamic presence in Canada was the 1871 census which found 13 Muslims among the population. The first Canadian Mosque was constructed in Edmonton in 1938. The 2001 Census found 30% Muslims (123,725) Muslims were attending school and indicated Muslims median age was 28 years, well below the median of 37 for the overall population. Muslims formulate the largest annual immigration group entering Canada.....
Omar Kalair, is the Founder, President & CEO of UM Financial Listen to him talk here about his brainchild, the Muslim Master Card.. He comes on in the audio at approx. 43 min. I find this individual very conniving, very devious and totally suggestive and someone who has a hidden agenda. Why else would he want muslims in Canada to have credit cards which are different than the ones used by other Canadians. Why does he want to segregate the Muslim community from the rest of Canadians, even in financial matters? Does Omar Kalair think that the credit cards used by non-Muslim Canadians are not good enough for his community? Also, if you listen to the audio you will hear him say this about Islamic finance:
"even within the Catholic church, newspapers out of the Vatican highlighted the success of islamic finance"
Oh really ? Where's your proof of that Mr.Kalair? And in what context was the statement made? He has the stench of taqiyya coming out of his mouth..... big time. Told you he was conniving and suggestive!
Mr.Kalair, let me ask you this ..... why do you think Canadian Muslims need different financial products than the rest of us? I don't see Canadian Chinese, or Canadian Indians, or Canadian Russians or any other hypenated Canadians wanting to have anything different than the traditional financial services offered by Canadian financial institutions. Why are Muslims different and more deserving than other Canadians? It's people like you, the mullahs, the islamists and your type of organizations that are keeping Muslim immigrants from assimilating with the rest of us. You are the exact kind of person that creates divisions in the guise of being benevolent to your community. Shame on you. Consider yourself as bad as the jihadists,only more articulate and far more devious.
Abdul-Haq Ingar, Community Leader and Supporter, UM Financial .... and who is Mr.Ingar and what does the Daily Muslim website have to say about him and the gay and lesbian MPs and Ministers he supports ?
The big honchos at UM Financial are playing a very dangerous game of Good Cop/Bad Cop. The main guy Kalair is putting himself across to the Muslim community as a benevolent person who wants to do good by his fellow muslims by offering them interest-free products (which, BTW have many fringe "pitfalls" which you will gauge only if you go indepth into sharia finance and the "rent-to-own" mortgage products of sharia finance) whereas the other big honcho Abdul-Haq Ingar is playing the "bad cop" by the Muslim community by cosying up to the gays and lesbians in the Parliament of Canada. Between these two, they have harnassed the muslim community and the gay lawmakers of Canada and that's a very, very bad thing all around. Dangerous things are afoot, dear readers.
Someone with more resources to relevant information than little me has access to, must look into UM Financial. Where did the money to set up this corporation come from? What is their real agenda? Did the Dept of Finance and the Bank of Canada give their blessing for the iFreedom Muslim Master Card? And if so, WHY ?
One of their ads at their website says : "Nest eggs are great as long as they are halal" . At this rate, with such powerful organizations and individuals with hidden agendum pushing such messages into the Muslim population of Canada, do you really, really think they will ever assimilate with the rest of us?
Yes.... I can see evil that is already here, it is in the form of UM Financial.
All this is happening while our Finance Department and the Bank of Canada sleeps aways like Rip Van Winkle.
You have the power to save Canada from sharia, every single aspect of sharia. Take action. If you don't, then it's "Goodbye Canada, Hello Canadistan !!!"
Write to:
Minister of Finance
The Honourable James M. Flaherty
Department of Finance Canada
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 or email him at:
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