Remember the cartoonist Molly Norris? I so despise those knuckleheads who keep repeating the same mantra of "islam is a religion of peace", "it's rude to insult them", " burning korans is bad" and on and on and on and on with the same dirty rubbish spurting from their taqiyyah mouths. How stupid do they think we are? Calling us bigots for wanting to burn korans and for drawing the degenerate moslems' pedophile leader ... these people on their high horses have no guts to tell the truth. You sanctimonous cowardly morons are not fooling anyone so stop with your "I am so much above all that" attitude.
For exercising her right to freedom of thought and speech, Molly Norris has been forced to go into hiding. She is no longer at her workplace and has given up her residence and like Salman Rushdie, finds herself cut off from the rest of her family, friends and the world at large. This is what islam and the moslems do to frighten infidels in submitting to them and what kind of low down yellow-bellied downright cowards are we to let them get away with it?????
h/t: Lynn
One of these days, people will have to defend Molly Norris.