When I learnt that Conrad Black had endorsed Sarah Thomson, the candidate with the least staying power, as she has proven today, I was awestuck. I immediately got rid of that slight admiration I had for Black's mastery over the English language, mind you nothing else.... only the writing, and labelled him a total nitwit and probably that the time in jail had made him senile. I am sure many Conservatives who had thought Black was a Conservative are now wondering what on earth made them think that he was one in the first place.
If Sarah Thomson and the Toronto Star actually think that Thomson dropping out of the race and endorsing Smitherman will pull Rob Ford down... they are dreaming. Toronto voters who were sitting on the fence procrastinating if they should or shouldn't support Ford will now be able to make a decision which will be in his favor... it's no brainer .... the camps of Thomson and Smitherman have shown them which way to go, the deceit and underhandedness displayed today by the Toronto Star itself is enough.
Nobody likes to see the political tricks that are in play here in Toronto, played by a rag of a paper pandering to innocent new immigrants. What has Smitherman promised the Toronto Star if he gets elected as mayor... now that would be something to ferret out. The Toronto Star's role in this whole affair is highly questionable, has no integrity, no ethics and is an all round shameful thing to play on their readers who are also probably potential voters in the upcoming election.
Toronto voters are being made out to be stupid and extremely pliable material in the hands of the Toronto Star, Smitherman and Thomson, who believe they can make voters dance on a string for their entertainment. Won't happen, because I am sure Torontonians are not stupid enough to fall for this ruse. The only avenue open for these disenchanted supporters of Thomson would be to stay home on voting day to make their point and to prove that they are no pushovers.... or they can do one better and join the Rob Ford camp. Now that would be giving a resounding slap, well aimed and executed on those who are trying to hoodwink you.
Revenge can be sweet .... so go for it ex-Thomson supporters.
I'm sure he had his reasons - please note that even Sarah Palin does not have 100% accuracy in her preferences. However, she does bat above 500. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteI've never really read too much of this characters writing but after reading this NP column, all I can say is "what a windbag". I’m not sure if he was actually trying to advance her campaign or if he was putting a hex on her with this sort of language.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly have to give him “credit” for having the Toronto uppity-up act down pat. Maybe that had something to do with his familiarity with what he termed the “American Gulag”?