Would the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, start explaining to us mere mortals why the DND and the Harper govt whose members to all appearances seem to be walking around with halos around their heads these days, appeasing here, appeasing there and appeasing everywhere but their base.... what the heck do you think you all are doing.
Oh... you don't know what we are talking about ? Look here and here and here and here.
Did we actually think this was a Conservative govt and vote this govt. into power ?? Can you see any difference between this minority govt and the Liberals?? Oh boy...have we been taken for a ride !!
Look folks, we cannot save Canada from islamization if you guys sit on your butts and do nothing but read the blogs that a few of us that write about islam put out for your learning benefit. You should at least have the mere decency to do your tiny little part by contacting the addresses I give in every blog that is considered important for the well-being of Canada and Canadians. Do your part by letting your voices be heard. That's the least you can do for me.
Write to your MPs and to those responsible at the DND now:
The Honourable Peter MacKay
Minister of National Defence
National Defence Headquarters
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building,Ottawa, Ontario,K1A 0K2
or email and ask for an acknowledgement of receipt: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
or Phone: 613-996-3100
or fax : 613-995-8189
I didn't vote for this government in 08 because they were already acting like liberals.
ReplyDeleteYou don't win over your enemies by alienating your friends
Thanks for the link Dodo.
Don't be so thinned skinned. If it walks like a duck...