It is a sad thing to watch. The downfall of such a great nation as the USA. Corrupted from within, with hordes of leftish worms eating away at the core of American beliefs, it is bound to fall off like a rotten fruit. What a lesson Pastor Jones taught us, whether he knows it or not. America can be blackmailed and manipulated by islamic cavemen. Mighty America can be brought down on it's knees begging for mercy from the islamic cavemen. America's media can dictate the terms of the blackmail that's required by islamic cavemen to keep them from killing Americans.
Read the articles below to gauge for yourself how far America and it's citizens have fallen. If President Hussein gets another term in office.... the damage being done will never be undone and that's that for America and as a consequence for Canada as well and for the entire free world. What danagerous times we are living in.
From TheAmericanThinker Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf unashamedly told CNN that relocating the Ground Zero Mosque will proximately cause havoc: "The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack. But if you don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world." He predicted that "the reaction could be more furious than the eruption of violence following the 2005 publication of Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad... Our national security now hinges on how we negotiate this.......
From Mat Rodina blog ...The second great monument will be a bit different from the first and to a different set of "victims". The second monument, right at Ground Zero, the location of the former World Trade Center, will be a 13 story Islamic culture center and Mosque, honouring those who gave their lives to make this "conquest", that is the Jihadists. Furthermore, it will be named the Cordoba House. Most Americans are a clueless bunch and that is not going to change, so they will totally gloss over the name. The Islamics, however, are not and know exactly what this means. Cordoba was the first Spanish city, during the Islamic Jihad of Spain, to have the first big mosque built in it, after its conquest. Get the point now?.....
From HudsonNY ....Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris and one of Western Europe's leading traditional Muslim figures, has opposed the "Ground Zero mosque."
We, too, at the Center for Islamic Pluralism, oppose the spread of other oversized mosques that may be financed by radicals, as well as the Saudi obsession with massive architectural structures erected to replace important heritage sites. The clumsy attempts at pro-Muslim diplomacy by president Obama, in a parallel with the "Ground Zero mosque," complicate, rather than clarifying, these problems....
From American Spectator ....The potential Koran burning, though unsavory and undoubtedly a poor witness by a Christian congregation, is presumably protected by the First Amendment, no less than blasphemies against Christianity, or desecrations of the American flag. Would this same interfaith summit have urgently convened to excoriate destruction of Christian symbols? Or would some of these same largely liberal religious officials have instead solemnly warned of the need for tolerance in that situation? And do all skeptics of the Ground Zero mosque really deserve to be morally ranked with the aspiring Koran-burning pastor and categorized as innately hateful and bigoted?....
And, if you have the stomach for it, here's how Christians are burnt alive by muslims in muslim dominated countries. Did you see any of the politicians who are crying for the koran the last few days, did you ever see or hear them whisper even a whimper for these poor Christian souls?
And watch these too.... I have not... as my blood is already at a boiling point today. As I had said earlier when I posted the "abortion" video, sometimes people need to be horrified to jolt them to see the world the way it is and not continue to live in a make-believe world.
Christians burnt alive, media sleeping, and there's more stuff here too
American Hindus against GZ mosque. Listen to this wise man talk about how the cavemen destroy Christian and Hindu monuments so they can build their mosques and minarets as symbols of the defeat and destruction of the infidels.
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