(Continuance of my research and findings on shariah finance and Canadian financial institutions aka Canadian financial traitors)
How on earth are the Canadian banks and financial institutions facilitating terrorist groups .......... you ask?
This is how: Shariah complaint products promote themselves as “ethical funds or ethical finance products.” To be Shariah-compliant, they donate “tainted” revenues to Shariah-compliant “charities.” And, we all know where part of those charitable donations go.
...National Security and Financial Risks: Islamists are attempting to impose Shariah Compliant Finance (SCF) on Western institutions to use our own financial strengths against us. The most serious problem with SCF is that it legitimates and institutionalizes Shariah law (i.e., Islamic law), a theo-political- legal doctrine violently opposed to Western values. With $1 -$2 trillion petrodollars annually looking for an investment home, blind exuberance is driving financial institutions to adopt SCF, without even a minimal baseline for legal compliance. This willful blindness, and lack of both transparency and due diligence may cause SCF to be the next sub-prime crisis, but this time with deadly consequences.
Legal Risks: Western financial institutions which adopt SCF may have criminal and civil exposure to claims of aiding and abetting sedition and the material support of terrorism, securities fraud, consumer fraud, racketeering, and antitrust violations, as well as exposure to tort claims for sedition and terrorism, and for the violation of internationally recognized norms of the law of nations.
Terror Financing Mechanism: SCF as monitored by paid Shariah law advisors to U.S. banking institutions must “purify” certain return on investment (ROI) dollars that do not meet Shariah law standards. This money must be donated to Islamic charities - including some that promote Jihad and support suicide bombing. Investment disclosures state that these profits can be as high as 6% of profits of investments. With $800 billion already in SCF assets, the potential for billions of dollars to be siphoned off for terrorism is real. This would be a serious criminal violation of U.S. law.
Consider this example: Shariah Mutual Funds promote themselves as “ethical funds.” To be Shariah-compliant, they donate “tainted” revenues to Shariah-compliant “charities.” A post 9-11 U.S. investor in a Shariah-compliant “ethical investment” is not told that Shariah law also requires imposing Shariah as U.S. law, execution of gays and female apartheid. Is he a victim of consumer fraud? Is this same post 9-11 investor unwittingly funding terror? The government has shut down the three largest Shariah-compliant charities in the U.S. - the Holy Land Foundation, Benevolence International Foundation, and the Global Relief Foundation - after proving they funded terrorist organizations. The American taxpayer deserves answers to these questions. The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is meeting directly with members of Congress, U.S. regulatory agencies and Wall Street financial institutions in order to ensure the enforcement of existing U.S. laws on sedition, disclosure, material support of terrorism, and money-laundering. CSP is committed to revealing the civil liability and criminal exposure of Shariah law and Shariah-compliant finance..............
Our lawmakers must be made to understand that if the government is not able to close down these funds and products, they themselves are then responsible for the likely funding of terrorist activities as a huge chunk from such products are kept aside as "charitable donations" and we all know by now where most muslims send their "charitable donations".
It is your moral duty as a patriotic Canadian to voice your concerns and opinions to the people in power about the waywardness of our Canadian banks and the financial institutions who have foolishly chosen the lucrative but dangerous option of islamic or shariah compliant finance. At least you will know for your own peace of mind that you did your part to save Canada from becoming Canadistan. Write or email the following:
Minister of Finance
The Honourable James M. Flaherty
Department of Finance Canada
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 or email him at: jflaherty@fin.gc.ca
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2 Fax: 613-941-6900 EMail: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
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