Utter losers. Their hatred of Jews keep them clustered together with the vile ones. Nothing they say to prove otherwise makes sense. They are quick to label others as "racists", but somehow they are so much racist towards the Jewish people, it boggles the mind. Trying to tell us that it's Israel's policies they hate, just does not carry any water.... not any more.
....Once again, the loony Left is jumping at the chance to demonize Israel, this time with a ridiculous plan to organize a Canadian flotilla to try to break Israel's blockade of terrorist-run Gaza.....
....Where's the flotilla to save the oppressed North Koreans? Why isn't the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, which is so gung-ho about a Canadian boat heading to Gaza, organiz- ing a campaign to send food to North Korea?....
One wonders, too, when we'll see a pro- tester-packed flotilla on its way to Darfur to demonstrate against the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of tribal minorities by blood- thirsty militias backed by the racist Sudanese government. I await the cries of dismay from the loony Left over the terrible violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where untold thousands of women have been raped.....
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