and done with the very worst of intentions. Ground Zero in New York and Flight 93 grounds in Shanksville. PA. Plans for two islamic-themed structures near two harrowed grounds is marking those spots as muslim triumph. Only the very naive or those with their heads buried deep into the sands of dementia opine that the muslims are building these shrines to atone for the guilt of what the 9/11 terrorists did to all the innocent people who died on that fateful day. Not so. The only reason they are building them is to glorify the terrorists and don't let anybody sway you to any other point of view. Terrorists who kill infidels, that you and me, just in case you didn't know, are revered as martyrs and these are monuments being built in their honor.... nothing more, nothing less and nothing else.
How does an imam get $ 4.85 million in cash. More importantly .... How can you pay such a huge sum of money in cash to buy property with no questions asked? I am smelling the stink of rotten fish mingled with pig's blood.
Only a dedicated and anguish father who lost his son in the downing of Flight 93 could have unravelled the deception going on at the Flight 93 grounds and the plans to honor the terrorists It is a sad day for all of us that such cruelty can be inflicted on the families of the victims of 9/11 and we make excuses for those who inflict the cruelty on them. Read the whole thing and the comments at the second link and then judge for yourselves if the evil structures are being built because the muslims want to make nice-nice with us ???? I give below just two of the comments.
heroyalwhyness ... a commentor at Atlas Shrugs gives countless links in her comment.
Quote: Oh what a tangled web they weave . . .The Muslim consultant who lied to the Park Service was a classmate of architect Paul Murdoch
". .. Who told the Park Service that a mihrab has to point exactly at Mecca to be legitimate? It was Nasser Rabbat, a professor of Islamic architecture at MIT and an expert in the history of mosque design. No one knows better than Professor Rabbat that mihrab orientation does NOT have to be exact.
There is only one reason why Rabbat would lie to the Park Service about such a basic fact. He recognizes that the giant Mecca-oriented crescent at the heart of the Flight 93 memorial IS a legitimate mihrab, and he wants this al Qaeda sympathizing plot to succeed. A look at Rabbat's background shows that he was a classmate of Crescent of Embrace architect Paul Murdoch, both getting masters degrees in architecture from UCLA in 1984 and both doing their masters work on Middle Easter subjects. (Murdoch wrote a “masters project” titled: “A museum for Haifa, Israel.” Rabbat wrote a master thesis on house design in Cairo and Damascus.) his prior connection between Murdoch and Rabbat raises the possibility that Murdoch himself was able to orchestrate the Park Service investigation into warnings about his own design. By the same token, having the two classmates both show up in the Flight 93 memorial raises the possibility that Rabbat was Murdoch's source of expertise on how to incorporate the full complement of typical mosque features into his Crescent design. (For the dozen typical mosque features, see Crescent of Embrace, chapter 5.).."
MANY Thanks for the tenacious and unrelenting research by Alec Rawls of
Another commentor, Alec Rawls has this to say: Quote: The official count of passengers and crew, NOT COUNTING the terrorists, is 40. There were also 4 terrorists on the flight.
Part of architect Paul Murdoch's terrorist memorializing plan was to include 4 extra inscribed translucent memorial blocks, in addition to the 40 inscribed with the names of the murdered heroes. Three of the extra blocks were to be built into a separate upper section of memorial wall centered on the center line of the crescent (the exact position of the star on an Islamic flag). The 44th block sits at the upper crescent tip, where the flight path symbolically "breaks the circle," turning it into the Crescent of Embrace.
Thus all of the 4 extra memorial blocks are placed in the crescent and star parts of the structure, representing the symbolic Islamic heavens. In contrast, the 40 blocks inscribed with the names of the 40 infidels are placed outside of the Islamic heavens, representing Islamic damnation (same as with the Tower of Voices, where the symbolic lives of the 40 heroes dangle down below the symbolic Isalmic heavens, soaring in the sky above).
This is how Murdoch was able to represent the murdered infidels and still have a legitimate mosque. Everywhere the infidels are represented, they are seen as symbolically damned.
Anyone who wants to see how elaborately this theme was carried out, click on my link. Unquote
I don't know how to copy texts with the links intact, so you will have to go into the main link I have provided to go into the links which these two very informed commentors have given. The stuff there will make your blood boil to see how the Left has aligned themselves with the evil cult of islam to bring about our downfall.
It won't be a Mosque it shall be a war memorial for the terrorist who killed 3000 people on September 11. Muslims' globally will flock to it and pray that the death of the west happens in their lifetime, it will be a symbol of hatred and tyranny and the successful invasion of Islamic Supremacists into the west.