God, Guts and Sarah Palin blogspot ... All American Mom “It’s tough,” she says. “Some days you feel like it’s a crapshoot. You raise your kids as well as you can, you teach them as well as you can, you think everybody’s on the same page and, well — look at our situation,” she continues, motioning with her hand to Bristol and Tripp and lowering her voice slightly. “One day she comes home and says she was pregnant. And it’s like, ‘That wasn’t supposed to happen! ”
DeweyFromDetroit blog : Well Maggie you were right ....These workers are paid much more than the market would bear under normal market conditions. They are paid for 14 months a year( some up to 16 months). Yes, that’s correct. Most government civil servants receive the equivalent of 14 months pay, plus exorbitant sick/vacation days. They can opt for an early retirement as early as age 45, and standard retirement is age 53 with 80% of their ending salary. All of which is indicative of the power of the civil servant unions. If they do not get the wage/benefits they want, they simply shut the country down by calling a general strike. ...
Family Security Matters: Great Britain is losing its soul as a nation. Many would say it is already lost. I certainly was not encouraged by what I saw during my recent trip there, in which I interviewed wanted Islamic terrorists who are living off welfare benefits from the state. It was depressingly obvious that radical Islam is making massive inroads with the apparent indifference of much of the British government (with the notable exceptions of Baroness Caroline Cox and Lord Pearson, to name a very select few). Some I spoke to believe that Britain will be home to self-governing Islamic enclaves in the not-too-distant future.....
Hudson NY Institute.....Goldstone was--quite literally--a hanging judge. He imposed and affirmed death sentences for more than two dozen blacks under circumstances where whites would almost certainly have escaped the noose. And he affirmed sentences of physical torture--euphemistically called "flogging"-- for other blacks. He also enforced miscegenation and other racist laws with nary a word of criticism or dissent. He was an important part of the machinery of death, torture and racial subjugation that characterized Apartheid South Africa. His robe and gavel lent an air of legitimacy to an entirely illegitimate and barbaric regime......
........"This is not going to be an open discussion. "........The conclusions of [PsychOUT] have been pre-arranged long in advance. It's very much part of the anti-psychiatry movement," said Edward Shorter, Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine at the University of Toronto. "There's all kinds of nuttiness at this conference. It's as though they tilted the continent, and all of a sudden everything that wasn't tied down rolled, not to California as usual, but to Toronto for this weekend.
....Prosecutors in the U.S. war crimes tribunal at Guantanamo replayed a video on Thursday showing Canadian prisoner Omar Khadr as a boy, .....learning to wire roadside bombs in Afghanistan. "Allah willing, we'll get a good number of Americans," an adult tutor is heard saying in Arabic, according to the subtitled translation on the video
The pic here is of something in Canada. Can you guess what it is and where it could be? A scientist recently spotted it on a satellite image taken from space.
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