Remember the appeasement speech given by Obama in Cairo? Guess who has claimed "credit" for that load of misinformation and grovelling? None other than one of Obama's countless councils. Her name is Dalia Mogahed and she is the executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, a center that was set up by George Gallup. Mogahed is now nicely ensconced in Obama's nest of snakes as Council for Faith-based matters and from that lofty perch she transmits her islamic rays of darkness and is perceived by those whose heads are ostrich-like, that her role in the Obama administration is benignant and harmless. Big mistake.
Here is a long, well-documented report which people who understand the threat of the incoming islamization to our part of the world, on reading it fully, will comprehend how the ground work is being laid firmly, rapidly and in ever widening circles with tentacles that are stronger in the time of Obama than they have ever been before. This is something that only a change of the Obama regime can fix, and the sooner the better for all of us. If America goes, Canada will drop like a stone. UK is on the chopping block and so also is the entire European continent. At the way things are going, Sharia Law will be a part of life all over Europe within a decade or less. Mind you, this report is long with a myriad of links, so delve into it when you have at least a couple of hours reading time.
.....Since joining the White House council, Mogahed has worked quietly to ensure that CAIR and ISNA are active participants in its work. And she has reached out to radical Muslim groups like the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) as well.
Viewed in isolation, these efforts may seem innocuous. But that line of reasoning ignores the harm that stems from such policies, which permit radical Islamist groups to ensconce themselves as the sole representatives of the larger Muslim community – to the exclusion of Muslims with alternative views.
Zuhdi Jasser, head of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), says Mogahed's collaboration with CAIR, ISNA and other like-minded groups is harmful to Muslims seeking to provide a non-radical alternative for their co-religionists.
"The damage is immeasurable," he told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. Muslims "are going to say, 'Why bother?' "The government has chosen sides in the conflict."....
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