S&P lowers Greece's rating from BBB+ to BB+, Portugal loses their standing too, they are now A- from A+. Many members of the Nanny Continent pandering to the Leftists are now on their way to the bottom of Neptune's kingdom. This is what happens when weak governments let their arms be willingly twisted by those on the Left. The predictions are not looking good for bondholders if Greece restructures it's debt. Bondholders would lose as much as 70%. Unbelievable.
Anyhow... this will put an end to Turkey's dream of joining the EU. The EU can't be that stupid after this fiasco with Greece... but then again, who am I kidding? They have proven to be complete dumbos more often than not.
via: Matt Drudge
This is what inevitably happens when socialists gain control of a nation. I would hope this would open the eyes of the supporters of Canada's opposition parties. But that's only wishful thinking. They all have the same attitude as my first wife: "It's only what I deserve."