Looks like the campaign has started. Palin is the only person the democrats are afraid of and rightly so. Watch and then determine for yourself if you really and truly believe that she is not US Prez material. Someone wrote to me recently saying I was talking too much about Palin and American politics. To that person I say: This is my blog and within it I wrtie what I want to, not what you want to hear. Do not visit my blog if you do not like it. Shoo, shoo go away.
Part I
Part II
I can unequivocally say with every last fiber in my being; Sarah Palin is not electable as President. Yes those who like her, like her a lot, but the same can be said for Ron Paul. Ron Paul is not electable as President, though he did crush Sarah in the CPAC straw poll.
ReplyDeleteIceman - A lot of weak men are intimidated by strong women and will try to put them down at every turn. I thought you were above that. Apparently you are not.
ReplyDeleteWait a second! So because I find Sarah wanting as presidential material I, like Iceman, will be accused of being intimidated by strong women? Give your toque a twirl.
ReplyDeleteReally? Ok, so I have problems with Barbara Streisand's political utterances (which I find largely inane as I do Joy Behar's) it is because I am intimidated by strong women? How about the fact I find Bill Maher's comments obnoxious and silly - does that mean I am intimidated by 'strong' men?
ReplyDeleteGranted, in the examples above I have shifted the political position to determine whether it is only reservations about Palin's presidential aspirations that cause one to be accused of being intimidated by strong women or whether it is a generic slur to any disagreement with any 'strong' woman - gee and I didn't even use Rosie :).
I don't give two hoots that you have problems with both women and men who are outspoken and whether they belong to your side of the political aisle or not.
ReplyDeleteI just know, like many others have concluded, that when it comes to Palin, the animosity directed at her by men, can only mean that she brings out some sort of fear in men who think their masculinity is threatened by this particular strong woman who they know will one day be the Prez of the USA.
I am not continuing this debate any further. You have said your say, and I have given you my conclusions. Any further comments from you re. this issue will not be published.
We can agree to disagree - vehemently.
I like her. Politically, there is nothing I disagree with. Yes, I am male and I think she is very electable. After 4 years of the Obamanation (if we survive) She will be elected as the "historic" first woman Pres!
ReplyDeletePalin is an embarassment to the conservative movement. She's a lightweight who modestly well with the lightweights, but can not successfully make the jump into the heavy weights.
ReplyDeleteShe comes across as yet another nutbar, heavy on religion and short on intellect.
She is not electable.
So Obama the socialist was electable but Palin the true Conservative is not.
ReplyDeleteWhew.. thanks for clearing that up. I feel like a fog has been lifted from my brain, oh lefty one.
I fully endorse Sarah for the Republican ticket. I trully hope you get to Palin run for POTUS.
Oh yes Zorpheous, your endorsement is very important to the Palin's team... they would just wither and die without that precious OKAY from a lefty nut like you.
ReplyDeleteNow go back to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzz
I'm wondering if you felt the same for Hilary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteI mean, she's a very strong woman who had aspirations for the presidency...
And she's well educated, a good spokesperson...
Would you endorse Hillary for POTUS is she were running? I mean, after all, your criteria appears to meet all Hillary's credentials...
Really Spaarky !! aren't there other blogs out there that you can pester with your delightful comments.
ReplyDeleteOkay ... to satisfy your curiosity, Yes, I was all for Hillary Chinton until a better woman than she will ever be, arrived on the scene in the persona of Sarah Palin.
BTW, I am NOT publishing the other 3 comments so stop visiting to check on them. You need help, big time. Now go play in the sandbox and leave mummy alone.