In my mind, it's not a question of "Will terrorists ever repeat 9/11 or worse" it is always "When will they do it " It will be totally meaningless that mountains of love notes and hugs are sent their way by the apologists, it is all water on a duck's back. They hate everything about the West and nothing and nobody will change that ever. With all the possible damage that can be done, you would have thought that the USA would be more vigilant and perpetually on guard. Not according to this report, the writer of which is the vice-president of the National Association of the Chiefs of Police.
.......... They arrived in rental cars, on foot, by boat, and by airplane They attempted to enter in four states on the northern border (Washington, New York, Michigan, and Idaho), three states on the southern border (California, Arizona, and Texas), and two other states requiring international air travel (Florida and Virginia).
In nearly every case, government inspectors accepted oral assertions and counterfeit identification provided by GAO undercover investigators as proof of U.S. citizenship and allowed them to enter the country. In total, undercover investigators made 42 crossings with a 93 percent success rate. On several occasions, while entering by foot from Mexico and by boat from Canada, covert investigators were not even asked to show identification.
For example, at one border crossing in Texas, an undercover investigator attempted to show a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer his counterfeit driver's license, but the officer said, "That's fine, you can go" without looking at it.
As a result of these tests, GAO concluded that terrorists could use counterfeit identification to pass through most of the tested ports of entry with little chance of being detected. .....
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