The US Supreme Court decision of doing away with limits on donations to political parties has warranted criticism from the most unlikely source. Who would have thought that veterans would be dead set against this decision. Veterans Today is a website that is run by 50 or so vets and their senior editor has posted a hard-hitting article calling for the arrest of 5 Supreme Court justices for treason.
I don't know about you, but I am with the vets and Obama on this one because I can see the influence of countries like Saudi Arabia and China making inroads into the US government by throwing mountains of money at the candidates who will be best suited to be their puppets.
......Their ruling has made it legal for foreign controlled corporations to flush unlimited money into our bloated political system to further corrupt something none of us trust and most of us fear. The “corporation/person” that the 5 judges, the “neocon” purists, have turned the United States over to isn’t even American. Our corporations, especially since our economic meltdown are owned by China, Russia and the oil sheiks along with a few foreign banks. They don’t vote, pay taxes, fight in wars, need dental care, breathe air, drive cars or send children to school. Anyone who thinks these things are people is insane. Anyone who would sell our government to them is a criminal and belongs in prison. There is nothing in the Constitution that makes this “gang of five” bribe sucking clowns above the law. There is nothing in the Constitution that even mentions corporations much less gives them status equal to or greater than the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government.
The Supreme Court of the United States has no right to breathe human life into investment groups owned by terrorist sympathizers, foreign arms dealers or groups working for the downfall of the United States and everything we believe in, but 5 “justices” have done just that. We now have a new government above our government, above our people, one above any law. Five judges have created institutionalized gangsterism as the new form of government for the United States.......
Obama must be happy.
President Obama on Saturday promised to fight a Supreme Court decision easing limits on political donations by corporations and unions, saying he couldn't "think of anything more devastating to the public interest."
In its 5-4 decision this week, the high court overturned two decisions and threw out parts of a 63-year-old law that said companies and unions can be prohibited from using their own money to produce and run campaign ads that urge the election or defeat of particular candidates by name.
The case involved a film by conservative group Citizens United, which criticized then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign. Supporters called the decision a big win for free speech. But in his weekly radio and Internet message Obama said it was unacceptable.........
Sorry MariaS, I can imagine that people may object to the decision for all kinds of reasons but the ones you state are simply not valid. The court only ruled unconstitutional the section of the code that ``prohibits all corporate political spending''. The sections that prohibit political contributions by foreign nationals or corporations still stand.
ReplyDeleteHello extinct pigeon. Since you blogged about Obama, I thought that I might chime in with something that I am preparing to publish in the morning...
ReplyDeleteI thought it was telling that today Evan Soloman was running video footage of Scott Brown's acceptance speech over the caption "Death of Conservatism: Republicans have become too ideological". That's right, Republicans winning a Senate seat in the Liberal stronghold of Massachusetts that has not elected a Conservative Senator in 30 years is a clear sign that Conservatism is dying due to their extreme ideology. Granted, that is the type of partisan spin that I have come to expect from Evan Soloman and the CBC.
PS: as an aside, I love how the authors of the book Game Change interview McCain staffers who confess that Sarah Palin was too stupid to answer basic economic questions during the campaign. Having said that, I have never supported John McCain and never endorsed him to be the Republican candidate.
RUDY 2012!!!
(he's even a Catholic and I'm a Protestant)