Go green. Be against the production of oil. Be against the oil sands. Root for the closing of drilling companies. Tell everyone that biofuels are the fuels of the future. Is there any doubt that the Left clamors for abortion to decrease population growth and that it clamors for grain to be used as fuel to starve the millions in Africa and send them to their premature death... again to control population ?
What a wonderful guise the Left operates under? You got to give it to them. And you thought those idiots from Hollywood who walk away with Oscars were professional thespians. Think again. Every leftie you meet is a class A actor. Their lips move with those cries of sorrow and wanting equality for all, but their motives are just the opposite. In 2009 alone, the grain used in the USA for making biofuels would have fed 330 million people for one year. Yes, you read that right. 330 million people for one year. Disgraceful agenda. And to think that Prez Bush was also involved in this. Shame.
I sincerely hope Canada is not into this kind of thing. That would sadden me big time.
One-quarter of all the maize and other grain crops grown in the US now ends up as biofuel in cars rather than being used to feed people, according to new analysis which suggests that the biofuel revolution launched by former President George Bush in 2007 is impacting on world food supplies.
The 2009 figures from the US Department of Agriculture shows ethanol production rising to record levels driven by farm subsidies and laws which require vehicles to use increasing amounts of biofuels.
"The grain grown to produce fuel in the US [in 2009] was enough to feed 330 million people for one year at average world consumption levels," said Lester Brown, the director of the Earth Policy Institute, a Washington thinktank that conducted the analysis.
Last year 107m tonnes of grain, mostly corn, was grown by US farmers to be blended with petrol. This was nearly twice as much as in 2007, when Bush challenged farmers to increase production by 500% by 2017 to save cut oil imports and reduce carbon emissions.......
h/t: Lynn
Fortunately, the Obama administration is going down for the count. Their lefy policies were so fragile, that it only took one Senate race to do them in. Obama will hopefully not be able to sell cap 'n gouge, as they know that it will crucify them in Nov., 2010. When that election goes south as well, they will be focused on internal issues for 2012, so any environmental interventions will be window-dressing. You are right - they (and lots of North Americans) do not care about Africans, so the subsidy will probably remain.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
ReplyDeleteAt one time I used to visit a number of environmental sites to keep abreast of what the enemy was up to. A little over a year ago these sites were all extolling the virtues of bio-fuels and how they would save the planet. There were a number of dissenters who responded to the hyperbole by pointing out some flaws in the reasoning. These commentators were sneeringly put down and were the subject of much condescending humour. Then the dung hit the wind turbine fan.
ReplyDeleteReal scientists using real data were able to demonstrate that more emissions were created producing the fuel than were saved by replacing carbon based fuels. Economists pointed out how the production of fuels, created to salve the consciences of the Lincoln Liberals, were driving food prices beyond the means of the poor in the developing nations.
Immediately, the pro bio-fuel bloggers went into denial mode. The most prevalent comment by these bloggers was: "I never said I was in favour of bio-fuels."
Expect the same from Gore, Suzuki, Strong, Mann, Hansen, et al, when the public finally gets wise to the entire global warming scam.
I can just hear them now: "I never said Earth was getting warmer. I never said doomsday was approaching. I never proposed massive wealth transfers through a cap and trade fallacy. I was only pointing out that humans were doing things that weren't good for the environment."