Good luck Ms West. No analysis can explain the total lunacy of islamist behaviour and no analyst worth his salt will ever be able to delve into the minds of the apologists and the supporters of islamists, because there is nothing there to analyse. They are a breed apart just like the people they support.
Vladtepes blog has other posts which are a must read. They also have an update on the defiling of the Jewish headstones in the Ottawa cemetary. As I cannot take the islamic madness in its raw form at Religion of Peace, I make it a point to visit Vladtepes blog to read a more filtered version of the events happening in the loony bin that goes by the name of "islam". Let's not make like an ostrich and refuse to see what is happening around us. Read and be informed about how this insane ideology is making inroads in our "politically correct until death do us part" society.
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