I have Visitor fatigue .... make that "visitors" plural. I have been known to have the capacity to tolerate, for more than 24 hours, only 6/7 people throughout my life and all but one of them was a blood relative.
This year, knowing I am languishing at home, unemployed and having the time to respond to my relatives' inane emails within a day or two, have somehow made them all think, stupidly, that I have changed my spots and have become mellow and sweet and perhaps receptive to them invading my country and my home. Either the airlines are giving away super discounted fares or my relatives have become stinking rich.
I know for a fact that Canada has made it too easy for the world to visit their relatives in Canada. All one needs is a letter from the person they are visiting saying stuff like " I am so and so, and I live at so and so address, and I have been at this address for this many years, and I am inviting this person to visit me in Canada."
The visitor has to provide to the travel agent an agreement that says something like: ' I am so and so, and my address is so and so, and I am visiting my relative in Canada, who lives at so and so address, and I am carrying with me this many dollars, and I intend staying with my relative for this many days/weeks".
That's it ........and voila......... here's your visa and off you go to Canada to pester the hell out of your relative(s).
I have been having visitors from the last so many, many months, off and on. Different sets from different branches of the family tree. However, they all have things in common:
1) They come with heavy bulky suitcases;
2) they all tell me how I have not changed at all and what a good cook I am;
3) they all say "wow, at last I am seeing Canada, wow" (In most cases, it is just Toronto. But, who am I tell them different)
4) they bring for me and my tiny fam, things we no longer care to eat, smell or wear;
5) they look at grocery flyers and want to try out everything in there;
6) they keep me guessing about the date they will fly back .... (this is pure torture, I tell you, pure torture)
Yup, I am mean and horrible. But enough is enough already. We are thinking of changing our residence and keeping the new address a closely guarded secret.
One has just left yesterday and another one is due to arrive in a week's time. The new arrival is a young niece and this time we asked her point blank how long she intends staying. Her answer: "I want to see snow".
Have started praying that we get some soon, very very soon, PLEASE.
PS: Going to post many more items today, so this camoflauged titled post goes quickly to the next page of my blog....just in case my pesky relatives happen to visit my blog and come upon this. But wait... that might be a good thing.
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