This is a review of Peter Schweitzer's Do as I Say (Not as I do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy. The book was published in 2006 and has revealed how the leftists go about their lives in the most rotten way, while continuously criticizing Conservatives for being racist and attributing to us every evil performed under the sun. He has chosen 11 well-known personalities who are constantly in our faces and thrown light on their hypocrisy.
.....On racial issues too, these progressives may talk like angels, but they live like men. For all their professed love of “people of color” and anguish over racism, few of America’s most visible liberals actually live around or hire minorities –– even Cornel West, Princeton professor and wannabe rap star, lives in Newton, whose black population is about two percent, meaning Professor West is unlikely to be hanging out with the brothers in the backyard. When the Clintons came to Washington, they could have sent a powerful message of support for D.C. public schools by enrolling Chelsea in a neighborhood school like Jefferson or Hine. But of course, they enrolled her instead in the super-elite Sidwell Friends. Chomsky, who claims to be fond of fraternizing with the working class and “‘those considered to be riff-raff,’” as he puts it, has no intentions of actually living near any of them. About the time forced busing was imposed on the Boston area, Chomsky moved to the tony suburb of Lexington, buying a house worth nearly a million dollars. He also owns a vacation home in Wellfleet, worth $1.2. “Radical” author Howard Zinn “owns two homes in expensive lily-white Wellfleet and a third in multicultural Auburndale (minority population 3.3 percent).”......
....Like all rich people, rich liberals understandably want to live around and have their children associate with other rich people. But they at least can prove their commitment to diversity with their hiring choices, an opportunity on which most of them pass, including Congressional Democrats, who hire black employees at the same rate as Republicans do. Michael Moore has loudly chastised Hollywood for not hiring enough blacks. Yet Schweitzer’s survey of the 134 people who have worked on his films show a grand total of three black employees. Comedian Al Franken has criticized Republicans for being indifferent to black unemployment. But of “112 people whom Franken either hired directly or had a strong influence in determining whether they would work on a project,” only one was black. Another hectoring liberal, Barbara Streisand, has hired one black producer out of sixty-three producers and directors she’s employed since 1983. Even for a documentary she produced about gang violence in Washington, D.C., the producers and the director were white.....
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