on reading comments in response to a piece on healthcare (or the lack thereof) in Newfoundland. One frustrated Newfoundlander, Sheryl, has this to say:
....There aren't any Internists because they get paid less than half of what they do everywhere else in the country and work twice as much. You'd be nuts to come here and face that. It's similar for General Surgeons. There was an Internist on CBC radio last week that said of last 10 Internists that were trained here, 8 went to Ontario. So, it seems Danny Williams is more interested in subsidizing the training of general internists for Ontario than for his own have province. What we have is an ignorant government. What we have is third-world health care. What we have is a collapsing health care system... today! It's too bad Dr.'s Beveridge and Fitzgerald didn't train as Oncologists, then they would be paid three times more then every other salaried doctor in the province and have some of the lightest workloads in the country. Amazing what bad PR, ignorance and dead people can achieve. If these fine surgeons can just wait for a few more people to die, and get it in the paper, maybe our illustrious Premier will pay attention.
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