I don't know about you, but I definitely find this stuff fascinating. What if there is indeed something amiss with Obama's birth certificate? So much fodder here to keep writers and movie makers busy for years to come. My own opinion is that he WAS born in Hawaii, but under different circumstances.
Or, consider this scenario: The Left being devious to the hilt, are playing the birthers and pretending to hide the facts of a supposedly fake birth certificate. Chances are the document in Hawaii will prove to be perfectly accurate and wholly legal, and just before the next elections, they will bring it out with a flourish. Doing so, will ensure the birthers' votes, out of guilt, in Obama's pocket. It will pretty much sew up Obama's re-election in 2012.
Why else would the guy spend so much money on lawyers to keep the long form certificate from the public? It cannot be because he and his cronies are afraid that there is really something wrong with the long form document, it has to be much more than that. I am betting on the document being the deceitful Obama's "ace up the sleeve". The answers are not blowing in the wind... not yet.
Here is JB Williams, plodding tirelessly in his quest to find the answers: We are talking about the highest office in this land and the most powerful office in the world. “Implied” won’t cut it when the US Constitution itself has very specific requirements for this office, even if Snopes, FactCheck and Obama bloggers don’t care, the rest of America should......
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