See, when it comes to a matter of holding on to a job or screaming for more benefits/pay/what have you, the workers will oft times opt to kick out their Unions and cling to their jobs, because the alternative would have meant "death by Unions" as has been the case with GM and the whole slew of the Union infested companies in North America. Unions have managed not only to kill whole industries but to kill whole cities and towns as well. Case in point is Detroit and surrounding areas and many, many more cities and towns.
If Boeing workers at other units follow suit, its not going to look good for Boeing competitors who are sadly strangled by their Union mafia-like godfathers who repeatedly and wantonly do more harm than good for their members. The vote at Boeing Charleston was 199 for decertification of the Union and 68 for retaining it. That is simply "Wow".
It would appear that the worker has choosen self preservation (ie benefits/wages offered by management), over union bombast. I think the workers will be happy (if not relieved) to concentrate on local issues instead of overseas solidarity with some global eco-plan or revolution in a third world country.