Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Who will cry for the Christians of Egypt?
There is an uproar going on all over the blogosphere and the MSM about the latest Canadian citizen's sob story and after reading pages and pages of that and hearing the gesturing lady talk about it with the lawyer who keeps on taking breaks on his City TV program, boy am I beat ?!
Where is our perception of things all-encompassing? Are we only concerned about "hardships" that are meted out to Canadians? Just because we have been lucky enough to be labelled Canadians, does that mean that people who are not Canadians do not deserve even a thought from us?
Very few of us seem to be casting our gaze outwards and towards other countries that are blatantly burying human rights deep into the ground, right in front of our noses, and we do nothing, and much worse, we say nothing.
Christians are being slaughtered in Nigeria, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt and Pakistan in their thousands and what do we do? We keep talking about Canadian Rights this and Canadian Rights that and Canadian Rights everywhere.
I thought blogs were supposed to talk about things that the MSM did not. Looks like I am mistaken, sadly mistaken. Conservative bloggers should know by now that the Left is never going to bring to light the plight of Christians in Muslim countries. If at all they do, it will be in a degree so minuscule, you could compare it to an ant crawling at the top-section of Mount Everest and you are at the bottom of the mount looking up hoping to see it. Fat chance.
You know for a fact that the Left, whose hero is Obama, has bowed deep, deep, deep, deep, (dipped?) to a Muslim king, so what are the chances that Obama's admin will go against Muslim regimes to save Christians? Zilch, zero.
Today, Egypt's President is supposed to be meeting with Obama and the American Copts (Egyptian Christians) will be holding a peaceful rally in Washington and they hope they will be given a chance to voice their grievances: "During Mubarak rule of 28 years, there have been more than 1500 violent attacks against the Egyptian Christians (Copts) which resulted in loss of lives, injuries and destruction of churches and property," according to the Press release of a group of more than ten Coptic organisations in the U.S. and Canada. "Lately, such attacks increased significantly in frequency and severity and the attacking criminals are encouraged by the total impunity as the government does not prosecute them." says the news release.
Coptic Americans to hold rally in Washington
Malak Adel Fawzy, a 19 year old Egyptian Coptic man, was murdered on 4/9/2009 in a savage attack
....Adel Fawzy, the father of the deceased is demanding justice for his murdered son and an appropriate punishment for the culprits according to the law. "I do not want my only son's case to end up like the recent murders of the young Coptic man Jeshua Gamal from Dafash or Milad Ibrahim from El-Tayeba, in Samalut, Minya, where in both murders, the Muslim defendants were not charged according to the law, but got acquitted," he told Nader Shoukry of Copts United advocacy in a video interview. "I appeal to the conscience of the court: my son was innocent and was treacherously killed -- the judge is my last resort".
Ancient Coptic minority fears it has become the Target of Islamic Militants
In a bloody spasm of violence and terror, gunmen believed to be Islamic militants, wielding assault rifles and wearing masks and military fatigues, walked into this predominantly Christian hamlet 300 miles south of Cairo around 6:30 p.m. on Thursday and shot everyone in sight. The four-minute assault killed 13 men,nine of them Copts,including Mansour and his assistant as well as Hanafi and his four Coptic friends
Egyptian Coptic Christians Attacked By Violent Mobs
The CSW spokesperson added, "Egypt has a history of conflict between Muslims and Coptic Christians. On May 11, 2007, the Imam of a mosque in the village of Bemha, Giza, told his congregation to defend Islam in the face of a rumor that a new church was secretly being built. A mob subsequently attacked seventy houses, looting shops and wounding many Christians. In February, a similar mob attack took place against Christians in Armant, Upper Egypt, following rumors of an affair between a Muslim girl and a Christian man."
The Christians of Egypt need and deserve at least our awareness of their misery in a Muslim land. Can we please give it to them?
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