Most of the comments I get never see the light of day because I am the mistress of my blog, the queen of my domain and the executioner of comments that are spiteful and nonsensical or simply those I do not like. Sometime ago, my item about Sarah Palin brought in a deluge of such hateful commentary, that I had made a note to myself to check about some of the hateful things commentors said "she had done" or "she stood for",etc.etc.
After some research and reading, I can state the following:
1) Commentor says:" ... God gave her a special needs child because she cut funding for special needs"
This is a wrong and malicious statement. THE TRUTH IS she NEVER cut any funding for special needs. In fact, she signed a bill to increase the special needs funding by 300% but that has not taken effect as yet in Alaska. Bills once signed can take months to actually start operating. Is that her fault ? Factcheck, which is supposed to be a non-partisan body has this to say:"Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She didn’t cut it at all. In fact, she increased funding and signed a bill that will triple per-pupil funding over three years for special needs students with high-cost requirements. According to Eddy Jeans at the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, funding for special needs and intensive needs students has increased every year since Palin entered office, from a total of $203 million in 2006 to a projected $276 million in 2009.
2) Commentor says "....... thinks non-believers are thrash and must believe in her non-existent one......"
This commentor needs help big time. THE TRUTH IS she has never pushed for creationism in Alaska schools' curriculum. In fact she has gone on record to state that " creationism doesn't have to be part of the curriculum" and this statement earned her many critics from the Right's "extremely religious fanatical loons quarters". Factcheck says this:"Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska's schools. She has said that students should be allowed to "debate both sides" of the evolution question, but she also said creationism "doesn't have to be part of the curriculum"
3) Same commentor as above says "....goes about firing library staff and banning books ...."
Wrong again buster. THE TRUTH IS Palin NEVER banned any books. NEVER. And, about the librarian being fired by her, that's a lie too. Factheck's summary to this hulla-bulla, has this to report: She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term. the sliming of Palin-Factcheck Another sad thing I learnt today, is that a lot of people from the extreme right wing intensely dislike Palin. At some forums the comments from religious fanatics seem to imply that Palin should have disowned her daughter for giving birth out of wedlock and the fact that she continues to support her daughter and her daughter's kid (I am not using the word actually used instead of "kid") shows that she is not a true believer,etc.etc. IMO, no matter what the future holds for Sarah Palin, she will go down in history as the woman who was most falsely maligned not only by her opponents, but by her own party as well. What a terrible state of affairs for someone who wants only good things for her country.
She has said that students should be allowed to "debate both sides" of the evolution question, but she also said creationism "doesn't have to be part of the curriculum"
ReplyDelete1) The 'Teach the Controversy' angle (i.e., "debate both sides") is bogus, and is just another attempt by creationists and IDiots to shoehorn religion into science classes. Stupid, stupid, stupid...but at least we get a glimpse into Sarah here. She might not actively push for creationism in schools, but no one in their right mind would. She DOES however, push for the new thing, and that is equally as dangerous. Forget it.
IMO, no matter what the future holds for Sarah Palin, she will go down in history as the woman who was most falsely maligned not only by her opponents, but by her own party as well. What a terrible state of affairs for someone who wants only good things for her country.
BWAHHHAAAAHAAAA HAAAA ! She was maligned because she's an idiot, and national television interviews demonstrated it to the world. She got spells cast on her to protect her from witches - just like her pal, 'Bobby the Governor', she has made it clear that she believes in all manner of supernatural nonsense and can't be trusted to think rationally. She quit her job 18 months into her term. She's a narcissistic moron and the great thing is that she doesn't even see it. She's GOLD for the left-wing.