Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lakes of Canada by Innocence Mission

Rowing on the Lakes of Canada by Innocence Mission rsensorat3 is the poster of this lovely video at YouTube and has this to say:
This is a beautiful song by Innocence Mission - Lakes of Canada. My home province, Manitoba, is known as a prairie province but nothing could be further from the truth. It is really a maritime province. Water, water everywhere. Salt water and freshwater. Most of Manitoba is lakes. 100,000 of them to be approximate. Big ones (larger than Lake Erie) and small ones (smaller than Lake Erie) So even though the song is Lakes of Canada, the pictures are of lakes of Manitoba. Epilogue: Canadians are notoriously insecure and Manitobans are no exception. We would never write a song like Lakes of Canada - unless someone drowned or froze to death in it. So it comes as no surprise that the Innocence Mission come from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Damn, I forgot to credit Tom Canada for my favourite pic - a fellow Bomber cliff jumping into West Hawk Lake. (The lake a meteor built - from Tom's blog - Tom Canada's Canada. AND I also forgot the photos 'canoeing through a wildfire' and a 'satisfied, pipe smoking paddler' at day's end. Both from Wilderness Manitoba - Written by Hap Wilson and Stephanie Aykroyd. Published by Boston Mills Press, 2004

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