Sunday, August 16, 2009
Alert! Alert! Alert! Creeping Sharia. US female marines wearing head scarves
I never thought I would criticize anybody from the military forces, but there is always a first time, and this definitely warrants criticism not only from women like me who hate to see submission in my own kind, but the disgust should be felt and the criticism should come from everyone worth their salt.
It should be a wake-up call to our own forces not to submit to this fool-hardy nonsense that the US military has introduced for their all female unit of 46 marines in Afghanistan. Shame, Shame, Shame.
The person(s) who thought up this extremely stupid idea is a male chauvinist Muslim or a male chauvinist who has taken advice from other male chauvinists or maybe the big honcho himself, Afghanistan's misogynistic president has given his suggestion on how females should dress up whether in military or otherwise.
The women who are obeying this rule are like the women who get beaten up by their spouses and instead of standing up to them, keep asking for more. IMO they are more stupid than their male chauvinistic superiors who thought up this "stealth jihad" manoeuvre. I would have preferred to be court-martialled rather than show such degrading submission.
If I hear that our own military women in Afghanistan are following suit, I will personally collect a battalion of women from Toronto and march upon Ottawa and keeping a tight lid on nausea rising into my mouth, I will even join up with the Left to bring all our units home pronto.
What a horribly disgraceful move. The US is sinking into a deeper and dirtier cesspool, much sooner than we thought it would.
I for one, am blind, deaf and totally unreceptive to the spadeful of excuses and reasons put forth to explain why they are doing this. These are just excuses covering up the threat of creeping sharia. STOP IT NOW.
female marines in Afghanistan
KHAWJA JAMAL, Afghanistan — Put on body armor, check weapons, cover head and shoulders with a scarf.
That was the drill for female American Marines who set out on patrol this week with a mission to make friends with Afghan women in a war zone by showing respect for Muslim standards of modesty
When you have a commie muslim as your alleged president and commander in chief what else do you expect.