A little birdie told me that a Liberal blogger has said something not very flattering about my blog's debut on Blogging Tories on his/her blog and I was trying to find the cynic by visiting the Lib Logs website and came across this - completely unrelated to my hunt, but quite fascinating:
Open Letter from Warren Kinsella
Good morning. In light of this, I was sort of wondering how you can be gay and a Conservative supporter at the same time I mean, not only do they deny your very existence - they think cabinet ministers should be punished for appearing in any way supportive of you, or those like you.
It's your life and all that, but I was just wondering how you sleep at night.
As I've indicated before, if the Harper Cons don't want you, we do.
Faithfully yours,
So, I decided to bang away at my keyboard and get out my ...
Open Letter to the Gay community
If one MP's remarks makes you think that the Conservatives don't like you than you are better off with the other lame brains from your community who march with Hamas and Hezbollah like lambs to the slaughter.
If one Warren Kinsella makes you turn your backs on Conservatives than you are doing yourself a huge disservice being blissfully deaf and blind to the lying depths that the Lib party members will sink to, to secure your vote. How do you know that the MP's statement has not been taken out of context ? Giving 400K to a gay pride event in Toronto will now encourage other groups to put their hands out for similar largesse for their own events. Is the MP wrong in trying to make a fuss about this so as to discourage other groups? More so, when we have to tighten our purse strings in the present economic situation ?
Even if you are not a Conservative, you must surely know that you are siding with the same party/parties that are in bed with islamic despots and the combined gay votes of the Canadian gay community will be less than 10% of the votes they will get from their islamic despots. Who do you think they will throw under the bus if it comes to a crunch?
What do islamic fundamentalists do to gays? If you don't know that, then I am wasting my breath trying to educate you. Go ahead - continue living in your false bubble with people who say one thing to your face and the opposite when your back is turned.
We conservatives are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters just like the members of the other party/parties. We have all learnt to love and learn from family members and friends who are gay themselves. One cannot stop loving someone just because they are gay. All conservatives know that. I refuse to believe that there are still "conservatives that matter" who think otherwise. If there are, then shame on them. Here's hoping that their son, or daughter, or brother or sister or even one of their parents turn out to be gay. That will teach them a lesson, just like it did Cheney whose daughter is gay.
The "bogey man" that Liberals make us to be is just that, a scary tale use by conniving parents to control their kids. Go check in your closets - do you see a bogey man there? If you do, you need help and not the kind that Mr.Kinsella provides.
This conservative woman for one loves gays. Come, stay with us on the Conservative side
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