Sunday, July 5, 2009
Oh ohh - Politics make strange bedfellows, but this is gross.
In my opinion, Saudi Arabia is the most oppressive regime on God's good earth. Iran is an innocent babe compared to what goes on in Saudi Arabia and yet Israel, a country I hold in high esteem, wants Saudi permission to fly their bombers over Saudi air space to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities? Why not go it alone instead of getting in bed with the Saudis? Saudi does not have the arsenal to blow Israeli aircraft out of the air so why even bother to get their nod. Next we will see the Israelis bowing to the Saudis aka Obama. Why Israel why?
From TimeOnLine Uk
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran
Saudia Arabia is actually a major purchaser of American air force hardware. They have some of the best fighters and air defence systems in the Middle East.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how well they can defend their airspace, but heavily armed Israeli fighter-bombers would likely be easy targets.
Fat and heavy fighter-bombers would be easy targets but it was reported last year or something that they did a 100 ship long-range bomb exercise. With that many warplanes of all types they could probably fight their way through Saudi - and smoke Mecca to boot - that would be doing the world a favour, or not, but it would be amusing.