There are a vast number of eloquent voices from the Muslim quarter, people who are practising Muslims, they speak to us with clarity and hope. Their hope is that the Liberals amongst us that side with and apologize for Islamic fundamentalists, will hear their voices and change their ways. Will it ever happen? Will the Left come to their senses and realize that the people they are apologizing for are criminals and are not a product of the society treating them as non-equals, as the Left claim? If only the Left could grow up and see the world without their blinders.
Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran.
Here is his article on Liberal-Islamist Alliance and the havoc it is wreaking over the world with the false premise that the Islamists are the product of the ills done to them by the rest of us.
Presently, fanatical Islamists are lashing out with mad fury before their own final demise. The “infidel” world has been complicit in the surge of Islamism through its mistakes, complacency, and greed.
Our academia leftists even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits them. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for instance, are contributions of our leftist intellengtsia. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam itself, simply because they are redundant. Even a cursory study of Islam and its charter—the Quran—will clearly reveal that it is a radical political movement. It is the socialist leftists and paid-for-media and politicians who sanitize Islam and misguide the populace by saying that the “real Islam” constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.
Our liberal professors claim that Islam is inherently good, the majority of Muslims are good and only a small minority has hijacked the good faith of Muhammad by engaging in acts of intolerance, hatred and violence. I agree, it is not uncommon to observe Muslims, anywhere in the world, who are indeed exemplary in many ways. They are kind, generous and much more. But these are the Cultural Muslims who are, in effect, only part Muslim.
The question is: why is it that the good Islam is not ruling in the world and the bad Islam is engulfing it in fire? Some clear instances of the rule of the real Islam are seen in places such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, parts of Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia. Iranians are completely suffocated by the real Islam and that is one reason they are revolting against the rule of Sharia (Islamic Law) and that is why they are being butchered by the representative of Allah on earth, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who considers himself the shadow of “Allah.”
Human nature is also the culprit, in part. We humans are attracted to hate like flies are to honey. Hate is an easy sell. It is appealing and little effort is required to hate. Hate gathers up the person’s or the group’s frustrations, anxieties, fears, paranoia and many other negative emotions in one handy bundle and hurls it at a convenient target. History is replete with instances of hate energizing the masses into commitment of small and large scale atrocities.
All one has to do is to read the history of Islam and find out the truth for himself. Mainstream Islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in what is known as “massacre of the Banu Qurayza” in the presence of the Prophet himself. The Prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men’s women and children in slavery. Muslims have been, and continue to be, the most vicious and shameless practitioners of slavery. The slave trade, even today, is a thriving business in some Islamic lands where wealthy, perverted sheiks purchase children of the poor from traffickers for their own sadistic gratification
via Religion of Peace: globalpolitician july 27
C'mon, enough with the speculative geopolitical opinion and ludicrous sociological nonsense you've been posting lately. You been avoiding the high-grade crazy in your last few posts. How about you bring us back to something that really illustrates how nuts you, say, a post on evolution vs. creationism. Something with the certainty of science so your idiocy can be very clearly highlighted. We all need a good chuckle.
ReplyDeleteYou can even wrap it in a Sarah Palin story. I hear she's one of those fundagelical loonies. Didn't she have some nutty cleric from Africa bless her and cast a spell of protection +2 vs. witches on her?
oh David, David, David .. *sigh* after the blood letting of a few weeks ago, I had promised myself I would not respond to any commenters who came to my blog. I am making an exception here but will not continue this discussion any further, so do not bother responding to this.
ReplyDeleteThe mistake that "most" Leftists make is "grouping" groups together. One tends to take the most hateful traits of the group/s and attribute them to every individual in the group. The key word in my sentence above is "individual".
What you perceive to be "high-grade crazy" and by that (I am presuming you are referring to belief in creationism vs evolution and calling me on it) you are giving the impression that you have arrived at the foregone conclusion that I am a creationist.
Would a creationist send her DNA for analysis and look minutely and with wonder and marvel at the results, of origins from a tribe in East Africa that travelled all the way to the Balkans and from there to Asia?
Would going to church services and listening to sermons that want goodness and piety to flow from mankind make one a creationist ?
Would believing in Pro-Choice, but only up to 8 weeks pregnancy, make one into a hateful destroyer of womens' rights ?
David, you remind me of my several nieces and nephews who jump all over me when I say something they do not agree with.
Next time stop to think. Among the conservatives there will be very few who are "wingbats" as you guys like to call us.