Hereby giving Notice to the posters who are in a frenzy TRYING TO post derogatory comments to my posts. If you make a reference to any other blogger or Stephen Taylor in your remarks, I WILL NOT publish those comments.
You can critique me all you want, I can fight my battles and I am ready for War if need be. Do not make remarks about anyone else. For those who think I am an absolute idiot, so okay - I will be the first one to acknowledge that I have a lot to learn regarding Canadian politics. I took an interest in what was happening in Canada only when I saw the Libs/NDP/Unions/Gays marching side by side with Hamas and Hezbollah supporters proud to be on the side of terrorist groups against Israel the ONLY TRULY democratic country in the middle east.
Boy, that was an eye opener.
Talk about ice-cold water being splashed in your eyes to make them see better !! So, yes - I am still in the very early stages of learning and understanding Canadian politics and trying to make sense of the things people other than Canadian Conservatives say and do.
The article I posted about the Barrie riding being dissolved is an example of how Conservative bloggers will not try to hide things under the rug and hope they will go away. Also, what has happened in Barrie should be a wake up call to other Conservative MPs to stop trying to look at everyone with rose-colored glasses.
Many, many muslim immigrants will NEVER EVER be able to assimilate fully with the Canadian utopia and trying to elevate those elements to great sounding designations and lucrative roles in your organizations will NEVER EVER WORK. Know it, acknowledge it and look elsewhere. Having said that - would that be considered to be a racist remark and should I start shivering because the Lynch woman will now go after me?
I have my likes and dislikes just like everybody else. Only difference is, I am frank about my views and will not cloak my sentences under the guise of "politically correct behaviour".
So there !!!!!
Maria, I think you are going to be one of my favorite bloggers. Keep it up and make sure to grow a thick skin.
ReplyDeleteGood for you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that the so called "progressives" are the first in line to post vulgar and vile attacks on Conservative bloggers and if you are a woman - well it becomes downright degrading.
You have alot of support!
Grow a thick skin indeed.I second what your blog says!When i see this-
and this
well ill stay with the Conservative govt thank you.You think its a "coincidence" that there is a sudden Arab outcry like this against jewish people?I think not.It means the Islamists are getting their asses whupped worldwide.We will keep smacking them over the head with freedom of worship ,freedom of speech,and right to feel safe in our countries.All of it without us becoming like them.Yank funding from any group advocating hatred and genocide against any group.