He describes himself as:
Left-leaning, progressive snark from the general vicinity of Waterloo, Ontario
He has four nitwits chewing up endlessly like cows in a dung-ridden pasture, the crumbs and leftovers that we at Blogging Tories deem to throw their way.
The nitwits are aptly named:
Lindsay Stewart (a female maybe or a girlish name for a guy whose mother thought he looked better in a frock?),
LuLu (more like LoopyLoo?)
and now get this - one of them calls itself/herself/himself/dogself: M@ (and no - that's not a typo)
and more hilarity follows with the fourth contributor's name, the sicko himself: CC (yup - ladies and gentlemen - you read that right, CC - carbon copy or corroding corpse? Me thinks, the latter.
So what does Canadian Cynic do, day in and day out, you ask ?
Patience my Conservative fellow bloggers and friends - I am going to tell you all about it.
Yesterday, some of you might have noticed that Dodo Can Spell was silent for most of the day. Silent on the blog but researching the blogosphere to ferret out the weasels who were leaving their smelly turds on my blog. And ferret them out I did.
At the very top of this guy's blog he wants you to "DONATE for supporting Canadian Snark"
Yes, audacity of audacities, he begs for your donation for an excuse of a blog that does nothing but prowl around the Blogging Tories website bottom feeding on things he and his slimeballs perceive to be "inaccurate" or "idiotic" in our posted items and he/they thrive on ridiculing Conservative bloggers like leeches kept hungry for a decade and then let loose on the butt of an obese person.
This "whale shit swallowing" person who calls himself Canadian Cynic and says he is from the vicinity of Waterloo, must have (and I am willing to bet my bottom dollar on it) something lacking not only in the vicinity of below his belt but also in the vicinity of above his neck.
This excuse for a human being got himself invited as a speaker to a meetup group in Toronto called "The Toronto Atheists and Friends" and the organizers put up the following in their calendar for July 3.
"For over five years, the blogger "Canadian Cynic" has railed against the appalling idiocy of the right-wing wankersphere. Along with his carefully-acquired co-bloggers "LuLu" and "Pretty Shaved Ape", "CC" (as he is known to his readers) has struck fear into the hearts of Canada's wanks from coast to coast, using a combination of awesome intellect, devastating logic and, sometimes, just calling people "douchebags" when the situation calls for it. And for the first time, he comes out publicly.
The evening's presentation will consist of some war stories from many years back during CC's anti-creation science years, plus some updates on how, depressingly, nothing seems to have changed.
There will be a subsequent Q/A session, during which outraged audience members will be allowed to vent until told to put a sock in it, after which we will adjourn to a convenient pub that serves real beer, and you're buying.
Event admission: $5 regular, $4 student, FREE for Centre for Inquiry Friends of the Centre"
This event was attended by 28 people. Minus the 3 stooges and the sicko himself, you have an attendence of a measly 24 long faced atheists who although they deny there is a God they go every morning searching for God or the word GOD on the internet - if you get my drift.
Note to self: Visit the OHRC website and see if something can be found that makes the organizers of the event and those who participated liable for publicly calling the good citizens of Canada "douchebags" and "wanks". Lets give the Lynch woman some atheist ass to chew on.
Now the questions that need to be asked are: Did he get paid, and if so how much? Will he declare the money he received in his tax returns? How much did the sidekicks get? Will they declare those earnings and maybe other similar ones in their tax returns ? Or did he prostitute himself and his sidekicks for free?
Note to self: Get in touch with the Revenue Canada guys I used to know during the short term contract a couple of years ago. Always good to keep in touch with influential friends.
Here's a comment on the critique, on his blog, to one of my items from my blog, a lap dog the sicko seems to have on hand, makes this remark about me:
from Ti-Guy
There is no hope for these people. Time to start engaging in
elminationist rhetoric...just to put the fear of God in them so they'll
learn to focus. Which is really their worst problem. They don't ever pause to
wonder whether what they're saying accurate or not. And then the inaccuracies
spread like a viruses.Let's not call it "evil." Let's call it
"inoculation" or "prophylaxis." The rest of us know our lack of accuracy has
consequences. So should they."
Hmmmm - Ti-Guy believes there is a God. Whereas, the sicko he/she sucks up to gives speaking engagements to atheist groups. Hypocrite.
Note to self: More investigation required to ferret out full profile of Ti-Guy to determine why the little weasel is such a sucker upper.
Ti-Guy's comment reminds me of this line from Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
"that he must give a moral appearance (as opposed to behaving morally): "All effective action requires the passport of morality"
See how he/she comes off as being such a morally upright person that by bringing something to light which they perceive to be wrong, they are trying to get us to walk the "right" path. The "right" path that they have set up for us.
As for the sicko, he thinks if he lives by these rules from Alinsky's mantras then he will have achieved nirvana:
1) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.
2) Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
3) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
This little woman at Dodo Can Spell can chew up the entire team at canadiancynic for breakfast and still feel hunger pangs within the next hour for a dozen more similar courses with added on generous sprinkling of cayenne pepper.
If any one of you slimy stinking rattlesnakes dare to come to my blog again, I am going to spit gobbles of green yuck at your comments and take orgasmic pleasure in kicking those comments out in cyber neverland.
This is one BROWN conservative woman who will not be "politically correct" and ignore your attacks like the sweet white conservative soft targets you have been dealing with and let you get away with the attacks you are launching on me. I might be a Christian, but I sure am not of the variety that believes in "if you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other one too". Instead, I slap silly my opponents to kingdom come and enjoy the experience. Savvy ? Sicko and Co.???
SO - BRING IT ON weasels. I WANT YOU TO. The more you say, the more info I will be able to gauge about your cockroach infested lives.
This is Part One of my investigation. I will soon be bringing you Part Two with some gripping graphics and quotes AND photographs.
I am making a list and checking it twice. Stay tuned ...........
ReplyDeleteYour post here is,... well,... how to say this politely, is a multi layered desert of "Teh Stoopid"
If you are really luckly, no one will notice it,...
Seriously, it is very obvious that you arrive extremely late to the party, after falling off the turnip truck, while carrying a bag of hammers,....
Enjoy your day
Love your blog,
ReplyDeleteRepublicans for Ignatieff will be issuing a news release with exciting new information about Michael Ignatieff at 9 am ET on Tuesday, July 14th.
ReplyDeleteCC is Robert Peter John Day
I thought the costumes were excellent.
ReplyDeleteYou are my hero......
ReplyDeleteIt is time that CC and his gang of bullies gets it back.
28 people huh.....WOW....what a crowd!!!! LOL
Oh - and when you find out what hole Ti-Guy crawled out of, be sure to let me know. I have a few vile and disgusting comments I need to return to him.
ReplyDeleteLay off the fritos Maria!
ReplyDelete"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer."
You're a little late on the uptake here darling. Canadian Cynic, AKA Robert Day, has been outed for some time now.
ReplyDeleteBu since you're in to outing, let's work on you for awhile? You up for that?
I have to say, after reading your post, that you sound slightly off balance.
ReplyDelete"Note to self: Get in touch with the Revenue Canada guys I used to know during the short term contract a couple of years ago. Always good to keep in touch with influential friends."
ReplyDeleteIsn't this illegal. I know you Conservative whackjobs are tough on crime. Will you have to turn yourself into the Mounties?
If you are into free speech, how come you moderate your comments?
Stay sane...hahahahaha
Better just to ignore the little lying troll. He puts up a big stink but he secretly enjoys the conflict.
ReplyDeleteFor someone that guarded his anonymity so closely over the years to avoid accountability for his words, he sure likes to put Steven Taylor up on a cross every time some blogger makes him cry.
He's the kind of guy that threatens to sue wikipedia for libel.
In the American blogosphere (which is way more interesting) little CC tries to get the attention of all the big guns. We just usually laugh at him and his wannabe TBogg blog.
"Dodo" -- My previous comment appears to be stuck in "moderation".
ReplyDeleteSince you believe in Total Freedom Of Speech, I assume it's some kind of glitch or maybe even a virus -- the Not-wanting-to-be-called-out-on-hypocrisy virus that seems to be making its way around so many conservative blogs lately.
Hope this helps!!!
Obviously RevCan won't tell YOU if he's paying taxes on any income received, after all there's privacy to consider. But I remember the same threat being made to me over at GOTR in a comment by Red Tory (who later admitted he was having a bad day) and towards Kathy Shaidle by Warren Kinsella in regards to her legal donations. We have to keep it all above board, as would Robert Day (Canadian Cynic) for all income he receives.
Everyone loves a "fruitcake".
ReplyDeleteDon't get yourself worked up about this guy. I've weathered several attacks from him, but he really is just an idiot.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog, so just stick with it and don't lower yourself to his level.
did you declare the income from google? just askin'
ReplyDelete"SO - BRING IT ON weasels."
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to BRING IT ON, but you won't publish my comments!
Should I consider myself "slapped to kingdom come"? Please advise.
"I might be a Christian...bla, bla, bla"
ReplyDeleteNo you are not. Not a good one anyway.
Aptly chosen moniker.
ReplyDeleteAnon at 12:52 - that gave me a reminder to check how much I have made. Whooppppeeee! Made 7 cents today, however, the day is still young and I might make another 5 cents. Since putting up the ads a week ago, have made a dollar and 9 cents.
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking and YES I will declare.
burpster - only until it starts to ferment inside you and turn into deadly arsenic. Then you start wishing you had never taken even a nibble of the cake.
ReplyDeleteHey Maria,
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you're into free speech? Are you selectively printing the comments you like and trashing the ones you don't like?
Hey Maria, when are you going to slap one of your opponents silly and send them to kingdom come? Can you really do that if you don't even print their comments?
ReplyDeleteAnon at 6:12 - Thanks. BTW, is this the piece ?
Hey Maria, do you know anyone I should contact about working contractually at Revenue Canada? I'm good at it can you help me?
ReplyDeleteHey Maria, Don't tell me you've never heard of Republicans for Iggy?
ReplyDeleteAnon at 9.04am - thanks for the compliment. If I appeared sane to Liberals and other nutballs, I would check myself into a loony bin, because that would be a clear indication that I needed help.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for part 2
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:15am - thank you, thank you, thank you.
ReplyDeleteAmmo overload !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MariaS 5:20 PM - really, a very, very simple web search would have produced that "ammo" for you.
Tried to post this earlier, but you were stonewalling comments then. Perhaps this time you'll let it through?
Not to interrupt your ellipses, but there's a bit of an inherent contradiction in:
"If any one of you slimy stinking rattlesnakes dare to come to my blog again, I am going to spit gobbles of green yuck at your comments and take orgasmic pleasure in kicking those comments out in cyber neverland.
This is one BROWN conservative woman who will not be "politically correct" and ignore your attacks like the sweet white conservative soft targets you have been dealing with and let you get away with the attacks you are launching on me."
Wouldn't deleting comments be, in fact, ignoring their "attacks"? Additionally, "Bring it on, weasels." loses a bit of its attitude when you're not, in fact, going to let them have their say, but instead intend to wipe their comments away into "cyber neverland". (Incidentally, was that some clever pun indicating that you think that the commenters will never grow up? If so, I have to extend you a bit more credit than I previously believed. I disagree, but nevertheless, it would be clever, if not as eloquently delivered as it might have been.)
Also, I have to object with paraphrasing scripture. While I myself am of the opinion that it's nothing but a book of entertaining stories, the language of the Bible can often be poetic - except when massacred like that. "If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other also." flows more prettily than "if you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other one too". Really, "turn the other cheek" is an aphorism at this point, and would have sufficed on its own.
You're also a little late to the party, as your intermittent commenter Alberta Girl could've told you; the Blogging Tory community has been railing impotently against CC for years now. You're just another voice in the crowd, I'm afraid.
Still, if you keep at it, you might give a few of the others a run for their respective money.
holy phuq, that was stupid...