Wednesday, June 5, 2024

ICYM these items on how covid made some folks into millionaires; why the oppressed fight back; how the ICC and the ICJ are fending off attacks on them; the failed coup in the DRC; Billionaires linked to US Universities


Why I Don't Condemn Hamas For October 7


By Adam Andrzejewski

Payments to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency and colleagues from private pharmaceutical firms under obscure licensing and royalty schemes skyrocketed during the pandemic.


The American people started to feel that Big Pharma was very close to Big Government. Thanks to our two federal lawsuits demanding transparency, we know more details and they do not inspire confidence.


In 2022 and 2023, pharmaceutical and healthcare companies paid the National Institutes of Health a sum of $710,381,160 in third party royalties. These were payments to NIH, its leadership and scientists by healthcare entities licensing inventions created in federal, taxpayer-paid labs. The two-year average of such payments over the prior decade was less than $5 million, for an increase of more than 175 times.


Fauci’s institute, The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) received $690,218,610 of the $710 million, or 97%. In the same period, the other 26 institutes under the NIH received some $26 million in total.


It was an extreme cash haul at Fauci’s institute:


Between 2009-2021,, the organization I founded and lead, previously reported that $325 million was paid to all NIH institutes. Fauci’s NIAID received $23.9 million of that – or an average of $2 million per year......




To continue the Gaza genocide, Israel and the US must destroy the laws of war

31 May 2024

The world's two highest courts have made an implacable enemy of Israel in trying to uphold international law and end Israeli atrocities

The world's two highest courts have made an implacable enemy of Israel in trying to uphold international law and end Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

Separate announcements last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have forced Israel on to the back foot in Gaza.

A panel of judges at the ICJ – sometimes known as the World Court – demanded last Friday that Israel immediately stop its current offensive on Rafah, in southern Gaza. 

Instead, Israel responded by intensifying its atrocities.

On Sunday, it bombed a supposedly "safe zone" crowded with refugee families forced to flee from the rest of Gaza, which has been devastated by Israel’s rampage for the past eight months. .......



Failed pro-imperialist coup targets Democratic Republic of Congo

22 May 2024
Early Sunday morning, several dozen heavily armed men attacked the Palace of the Nation, a presidential palace and home of the Minister of the Economy in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Men in fatigues opened fire, killing two of Economy Minister Vital Kamerhe’s 15 guards. The attack lasted about three hours before it was crushed.
 The spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo said the “attempted coup d’état,” involving “foreigners and Congolese,” was foiled. It was “nipped in the bud by the defence and security forces,” General Sylvain Ekenge said in a short message on national television. He said several Americans, including “two whites” and a Congolese “naturalized British” citizen, were involved.

The leader of the attempted coup was identified as Christian Malanga, a Congolese naturalized American. Malanga and three other men were killed after resisting arrest, and some 50 people, including three US citizens, were arrested, according to a Congolese army spokesman. The arrested US citizens include Malanga’s 21-year-old son Marcel Malanga and Benjamin Zalman-Polun, a 36-year-old former cannabis dealer from Maryland.

The coup took place as Washington and its NATO allies wage a bitter struggle for influence in Africa with China and Russia, amid the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine. The NATO imperialist powers are dissatisfied with the current DRC regime’s development of economic ties with Beijing and Moscow.


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The ICC Takes on Israel and the US Congressional Mafia

Pro-Israel forces in the U.S. are trying their best to throw sand in the wheels of justice with threats of new sanctions against the International Criminal Court after it requested Israeli and Hamas arrest warrants.

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