Wednesday, January 31, 2024

On the on-going genocide in our time line and on the devilish plans of the countries withdrawing funds from the UNRWA


Toward the Abyss

United States’ fatal relationship with Israel

One word characterizes United States foreign policy – counterproductive.

Major U.S. foreign policy decisions after World War II — Vietnam War, Lebanon intrusion, Somalia incursion, Afghan/Soviet War, Afghan occupation, Iraq War, support for Shah of Iran, and Libyan Wars — have been counterproductive, not resolving situations and eventually harming the American people. The one-sided relationship the United States has with Israel is another counterproductive policy that is harmful to the American public

Persistent attention to Israel and its dubious position in the world may seem overkill, except this attention is one of the most important, mortally affecting the U.S. public. Until a complete report of fatal relations with Israel is placed on the desks of U.S. congresspersons and they act positively upon the contents, attention to the issue is incomplete and peril continues. Surveying U.S. policies that favored Israel collects a horrendous list of American fatalities, economic havoc, international terrorism, political misalignment, hatred, and aggression against fortress America.................




The Willful Destruction of a People

The US corporate media has maintained a near unanimous support for the Israeli destruction of Gaza – the home of 2.2 million Palestinians. While pundits engage in parlor games over what degree of violence is “justified” by the Hamas attack upon Israel, while public intellectuals fall in line with the gutless unconditional support of Israeli punitive actions, tens of thousands of Palestinian people – largely men, women, and children going about their day-to-day lives– have been killed, maimed, wounded, or terrorized.

Corruption, racism, and cowardice come together to produce a rare near-total US ruling-class consensus behind the brutal action of the ultra-right, ultra-nationalist, and racist Israeli government.

The enforcement of this consensus is unprecedented and a truly appalling sight to behold.....


....Robert Pape, political scientist at the University of Chicago: “What you are seeing in Gaza is in the top 25% of the most intense punishment campaigns in history.”..................



Court Hears Case Alleging Biden Complicit in Genocide



 The West's Defunding Of UNRWA Has Nothing To Do With Oct 7

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is responsible for aiding the Palestinian refugee population and is especially vital to the people of Gaza — now suffering an Israeli imposed famine — has suddenly been defunded by Western nations. The move to withdraw funding comes as an immediate response to Israel’s allegation that employees of the agency were involved in the Hamas-led October 7 attack. However, it is clear that Israel’s claims are disingenuous.

To begin with, UNRWA is an organization that was set up by the United Nations to specifically provide aid and human development programs for the Palestinian refugee population that were expelled from their lands by Zionist militias, between 1947-1949, in what is known as the Nakba (catastrophe). As per UN resolution 194, the Palestinian refugees have a right under international law to return to their homelands — and the organization responsible for keeping track of those refugees is UNRWA.

UNRWA has registered nearly 6 million Palestinians as refugees and provides crucial aid to the refugee population, particularly inside of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Its aid programs in the refugee camps are one of the key pillars that are keeping the Palestinian refugees inside of the camps in Lebanese territory afloat, as the population there is mostly impoverished and are disadvantaged under Lebanese law due to their status as refugees. In Gaza, roughly 80% of the population there are registered refugees with UNRWA, of which the majority have been displaced again and lost their homes due to Israel’s ongoing assault on the besieged territory. At a time when Gaza is facing “the worst ever” humanitarian crisis and an Israeli imposed famine, in which mainly children are the victims of death by starvation on a daily basis, the withdrawal of funds from the UN agency is tantamount to an act of collective punishment.......







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