Friday, October 20, 2023

World at War .... Part 7 .....Oct 20, 2023 ........ Images seen of children in the Gaza genocide I will never ever forget


I will not post the actual tweets showing the images that a normal human being once seen will never be able to unsee.  Below only the description of some of the many hundreds of horrorfic pics and vids documented for all eternity to show what Israelis are capable of  inflicting on children while claiming Hamas are the terrorists and they are the victims.  The world can never forget nor forgive this slaughter. The holocaust of Palestinians in both Gaza  and the West Bank (no Hamas to blame there) is going on right in front of our eyes.  

Shame on everybody still shilling for Israel.  Even those not having kids or grandkids of their own were once children themselves but yet many such people seem not to have sympathy for the Palestinian children and continue insisting that Israel has a right to defend itself.   Did the Palestinian children invade the Israeli borders and assault people in the kibbutzes? 

Below the images I will never forget.  Most have been watched with the sound off, there only so much a human being can take of this horror unleashed by the satanic cult of judaism.

The little toddler wearing only one shoe and with blood on his shirt looking at his badly injured mother on the hospital patient trolley and then holding on tight to the trolley and following it as it was carted away by medics.

The little girl's "will"  willing her belongings to the poor if she gets killed and instructing that the shoes be washed first as they might have her blood on them.  She is among the 1000+ children killed by satanyahu and his cohorts.

The man at the collapsed building after Israhell's rockets reduced it to a heap of dust, calling out to his family, for anyone left alive in his family to please answer him.  He screams for his mother but meets with only silence.
I can only surmised that none survived satanyahu's missiles.

The female hand beseeching help from a collapsed building. How could anyone be able to rescue her?  The chunks of concrete slabs over her were too many.  Probably dead or crushed further if someone tried to get her out.

The mother holding her died toddler in her arms while her other child is lying dead on a hospital bed.
At first sight I thought she was cooing to the toddler in her arms to keep it quiet but then I saw her laying the child in the bed beside the other dead son and the doctor writing on their stomachs with a black marker pen.  I guess he was writing their names for identification for the burial pickup.  Instead of going through that kind of insane-making grief, horrible of me to say this, but I hope the mother too died in a subsequent satanyahu's bombing.

The father carrying the few bombed out body parts he managed to find of his kids in two plastic bags, one blue and the other black. I dare not even try to imagine what he was going through.

Besan Helasa, 3rd year medical student was killed along with her brother Omar, sister Marah and their mother Lina. Before her death she posted pics of herself and siblings and requested our inhumane world to remember their names.

A child dying with a head wound on a hospital floor in a pool of blood. All around him are beds with two or three wounded kids in each and the entire hospital ward's floor is thick with the wounded or dying children.  I am guessing this was the children's ward of that particular hospital. The hospital staff are seen busy typing up body bags of the dead kids.

Two toddlers Eline, Celine, their two brothers, their parents and grandparents, her aunt, uncle and 5 cousins all killed by satanyahu and his cohorts' bombing.  This could have been one of 45+ entire generation of families finished off by the Israeli monsters.

And the most haunting words come from a doctor working in one of the Gazan hospitals.
He said "The loneliest place on earth is watching a wounded child in a hospital bed and no one to comfort him as his entire family is no more"  or words to that effect.  

It's easy to predict that there will be never-ending hate from the survivors not only towards Israel but also against their allies.   

It's easy to predict also that ordinary people like me won't give a flying fuck about being called anti-semites or jew haters.  I will wear those terms as a badge of honor and the fact that my account at X is so heavily shadow-banned it's almost non-existent, is another indication that I simply don't give a shit what anybody says about my stand against the monsters in Israel and their cohorts here in the West.

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