Thursday, September 21, 2023

Some thoughts and pics from the Million March For Children held at Queen's Park, Toronto on September 20, 2023

I attended the event with a couple of  family members and although the gathering was scheduled to start at 9 AM, it was too early for us, but we managed to get to the venue by 11 AM or so.  On our way there and inside the park we saw many attendees and entire families with kids in strollers, etc. who were already making their way out and we surmised that they probably had jobs they couldn't get away from for more than a  few hours. My fam members took "sick" time off and like they said that's not a lie, they are sick of what's going on in their kids' schools.  😁😁  As a retiree and a grand, I know and fully agree.  

There was a huge police presence, including horse-mounted cops.  See pics below.  I noticed that batches of cops had stationed themselves very near to the more toxic groups of the counter-protest loony hives and were keeping a close look on the nuts.  They knew that if there was trouble brewing at this event, it would come from the mentally deranged rainbow cult crowd.  The nuts were separated from us the sane and sober parents, grandparents and supporters by the police barricading the two "worlds" with their police bikes and their presence in the circle  which makes up the grounds around the King Edward VII on horseback statue.  If you have been there, then you know that that is one big circle.  It was jammed packed and one had to push one's way around to get some decent pics. 

The Peoples Party of Canada (PPC) had several hundred attendees carrying the purple PPC placards so one couldn't miss seeing them everywhere and plus there were purple signs with the slogan "Leave Our Kids Alone"  being hoisted high by many of the attendees.  I inquired from the holders where I could lay my hands on one and was told they were available only at the start at 9 AM. 

What was fun but also juvenile was that the MM4kids crowd would drown out the counter-protestors' shouts of "fascist" "racist" "haters" "transphobes" and whatever else they flung at us by shouting back louder with "Leave Our Kids Alone".  I guess when playing with juveniles even grands have to resort to juvenile tactics. 😊😊😊

The counter-protest was organized and instigated by CUPE and other labor unions of Ontario AND Bernie Farber's ADL-like outfit known as Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN).  To know more about the kind of damage CAHN has done to Canada as a nation (it's becoming more and more clear now that the Emergency Act came about because of the imagination running wild within the CAHN beehive) and to Canadians themselves, read this:

I am glad I took the time and effort to attend this protest.  It's thanks to the Muslim community of Canada that this event happened.  Who would have thought that immigrants to this country would be the ones endeavoring to save their offspring and ours from the claws of insanity?!

Police keeping close watch on a group of counter-protestors.

I might add below more pics later on.




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