Friday, September 8, 2023

On the organization known as ADL which thrives on doing the opposite of what it was set up to do

I had no idea that the ADL had several branches all over the USA. What are the chances that it also funds Bernie Farber's similar tool here in Canada known as ? The brains behind these kind of Jewish organizations in the Western world is, IMO, Israel. Why you ask? Israel wants to entice the Jewish diaspora to not only donate generously to these outfits by fearmongering the naive and normie Jewish citizens in the West, but it also wants the rich Jews to partner in its various schemes of wars and chaos. Israel wants to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty aimed at the Jewish diaspora that yells: "See we told you the Goyim were always bad and sinful and that they hate you, what more proof do you need. They attack our synogogues, they make threatening calls to our organizations, they use all sort of secret signs full of hatred which when diagnosed in our own labs of testing for anti-semitism, always come up positive just like the covid tests. Your best chance to keep yourselves safe from the evil Jew-hating goyim is to migrate to Israel with all that lovely $sss you have accumulated in the West. Come to Israel where we can live in peace and harmony with all our neighbours......" And the simple naive normie Jews in the Jewish diaspora believe the rabid Israeli fearmongers. The propagandizing coming from Israel and its minions is classic and effective. Below just a taste of the battle royal between ADL, X, its owner St Musk, X users harmed and defamed by ADL, X users giving links which will take you down many rabbit holes. One that I found very enligtening was the fiasco about the bombing calls made to synogogues in the USA which purportedly came from Israel from an Israeli. Yup, plenty of revealing stuff in many of the tweets when you actually go into the comments area of the tweets.


Follow the links in the last part of the ZeroHedge article below to go down a deep and yukky rabbit hole.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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