Wednesday, August 16, 2023

On "modern" civil wars; mass shootings; "free speech" social media platforms; truth about Maui disaster; radical trans ideology; comedy from Ukraine; Trudeau's cult of diversity; RFK Jr talks to Tucker Carlson; the Israeli Lobby, etc.

Tucker Carlson talks to RFK Jr. It's a very revealing interview. I found it amazing how well-informed he is on the #Ukraine situation; the migrants' invasion of the US from the Mexican border; the destruction of the middle class by Democrats; the corruption of the Neo-cons and their wars, etc. BUT is blind to what Israel and the rich Jewish community controlling the banks, media and major corporations is doing to his country. Anyhow ... it's worth watching. The twitter post should have got at least 30 million views on day 1, but has less than 10, so I suspect St Musk has shadowbanned it.

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