Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Horror of Transgenderism Is Hidden from View

 Must read articles brought to our attention by a tweet from Elon Musk.  I am wondering if  he's actually a REAL good guy or pretending to be.  I guess time will tell.

Trans lobby group Mermaids helped NHS plan treatment for children

Released documents show how closely the Tavistock gender clinic worked with campaigner Susie Green
A trans lobby group helped to draft NHS plans for treating children questioning their gender, The Telegraph can disclose.
Susie Green, then chairman of the charity Mermaids, was part of a task group reviewing services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation trans clinic.
The service specification, which outlines treatment for children, included details on how “hormone blockers will now be considered for any children under 12”. The relationship between Mermaids and senior NHS employees is laid bare for the first time in documents seen by The Telegraph....................

The cult of gender ideology is finally disintegrating

Recent findings reveal that Susie Green had influence over policy at the Tavistock clinic – a woman who should never have had any authority
by Suzanne Moore
Susie Green, the former chief executive of Mermaids, who stood down “unexpectedly” last year, has been hiding in plain sight for so long that I sincerely hope we can see her clearly now. How this woman was ever allowed to have so much influence over vulnerable children, never mind medical professionals, is frankly disturbing. She is a former IT consultant with no medical training – unless you count the fact that she won 2016’s Sparkle Diversity Champion of the Year as a specialised qualification. I certainly don’t. The story of how much power she came to have remains shocking.The organisation she ran was once not controversial; it was a support group for children and parents of kids with gender issues until she got her hands on it............................


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