Thursday, June 1, 2023

Some interesting reading from sane and sober folks ... the kind hard to come by in our increasingly insane world.


Stick A Fork In It

The Barbecue Rebellion & The Rude Awakening


 In March 2021, Risk It For The Brisket: The Barbecue Rebellion & The Great Reject told the story of William Adamson (Adam) Skelly and the justification for his valiant stand against unproven covid measures. He was arrested in November 2020 for the ‘crime’ of opening his restaurant during the second wave of lockdowns. For his civil disobedience, Canadian bureaucrats and media took him to task. They painted him as a virulent villain, ignoring the righteous rationale for his rebellion. On reply, he lodged a constitutional challenge to the Reopening Ontario Act, the basis upon which all provincial covid mandates and restrictions were — and in some instances, still are — implemented.

Standing on sensible scientific expertise and Canada’s Charter Rights, his challenge went to court in June 2021, but no sooner than the hearing began did the case get turned away due to a procedural error. Months of preparation, expert witness testimony, cross-examinations, and other legal submissions were summarily dismissed, delaying a momentous opportunity to expose the fallacies underlying the government’s response to covid. Undeterred, Skelly has filed a revised challenge. Although many who previously supported the harmful measures and exhibited repressive behaviours have since changed their tune, there is a stark difference between those offering a sincere apology with admission of grave error, and those making pleas for amnesty with no regret or remorse. The former is welcome, but the latter rings hollow because the bell tolls for accountability, not absolution..........

 In March 2021, Risk It For The Brisket: The Barbecue Rebellion & The Great Reject told the story of William Adamson (Adam) Skelly and the justification for his valiant stand against unproven covid measures. He was arrested in November 2020 for the ‘crime’ of opening his restaurant during the second wave of lockdowns. For his civil disobedience, Canadian bureaucrats and media took him to task. They painted him as a virulent villain, ignoring the righteous rationale for his rebellion. On reply, he lodged a constitutional challenge to the Reopening Ontario Act, the basis upon which all provincial covid mandates and restrictions were — and in some instances, still are — implemented.





5 Things I Truly Don’t Understand About the ‘Inevitable Energy Transition’

On the “the holy climate panacea triad” of more wind, solar, and electric cars, I’m so utterly confused.
May 29, 2023


Please note: this article was pulled down offline from Forbes. I will let you draw your own conclusions as to why. Factually, there was no justification for it. 

This list could be closer to 50 but let’s just stick to a handful of them. I literally live in this business every day, and I’m just so confused. 

1. In a world that is apparently getting both warmer and colder because of global warming, how is it that we can increasingly rely on non-dispatchable (i.e., intermittent, usually unavailable), weather-dependent electricity from wind and solar plants to displace, not just supplement, dispatchable (i.e., baseload, almost always available) coal, gas, and nuclear power? In other words, if our weather is becoming less predictable, how is it that a consuming economy like ours can, or should even try, predictably rely on weather-dependent resources? ERCOT exemplifies this: the Texas grid operator has around 31,000 MW of wind capacity but goes into winter expecting only 6,000 MW (just 20%) of wind farms to be available to generate electricity. Again, in the marketplace, the “alternatives” you keep hearing about are proving to be far more supplemental than alternative...............




Transgender Killer Reportedly “Gifted” Victoria’s Secret Bra From Washington Women’s Prison Following Breast Implants




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