Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Some recent articles worth reading.

I have gone back to reading books and articles these days.   Being on Twitter and other social media platforms is not productive, especially when one is censored mercilessly.  Below some of the reading I have done the last couple of days.




Ukraine SitRep: Explosion in Khmelnytsky - Bakhmut Evacuation - Longer Range Missiles

In the early morning of last Saturday two large explosions (video) destroyed a large ammunition depot near the city of Khmelnytsky in west Ukraine..............




Wow!  Quite revealing.  I had no idea that when  a young female takes puberty blockers she starts getting an Adam's Apple.  So that's why we don't see a prominent Adam's Apple in the young boys who transition to women !!!  If puberty blockers bring on male features to females, then puberty blockers must be doing away with the Adam's Apple in young males.

Adam's Apple used to be the one feature we thought, at least I thought it to be, that could distinguish the only openly distinguishable part to recognize a male pretending to be female. 



Del sits down with Luka, an advocate for protecting kids from gender medicine, who herself medically transitioned as a teen before transitioning back to a female. Hear her trying journey telling of how the medical and trans communities have turned their backs on her............






Meet the Urban 7, the bridge from ‘global cities’ to world-governance policy circles

You’ve naturally heard of the Group of Seven Nations, or G7, that holds regular summits on “shaping the global economy,” “food and energy security,” “climate and health,” “advancing gender equality,” “foreign policy cooperation”, and similar grandiloquent goals. 

But how about the U7, or Urban 7? As far as this writer can ascertain, the U7 arrived on the scene rather quietly, under the proverbial radar. However, strictly speaking, the U7 is not acting conspiratorially, since it has a website publicly available and publishes reports and announces summits, among other means of publicity.....





US-backed Military once again Targets Deposed Pakistani PM Imran Khan

Imran Khan poses the greatest threat to Pakistan’s military monopoly on political power.

The arrest of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and leader of the Pakistan Movement for Justice (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI) caused thousands of Pakistanis to take to the streets and protest. However, Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered on May 11 his release, offering a significant victory for the onetime leader responsible for bringing Islamabad closer to Moscow and away from US dominance until his removal from power.......





U.S. Calls for Bombing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry… Nord Stream Sabotage Redux  

Taiwan is facing the curse of being an ally of Uncle Sam in the same way that Germany and the rest of Europe have.

Taiwan has been obliged to give its American ally an extraordinary warning: don’t even think about blowing up our semiconductor industry.

The warning follows growing calls by U.S. politicians and military analysts that Washington should destroy the island’s vital technology sector in order to purportedly prevent China from gaining control of lucrative exports and as a way of damaging China’s economy.

Congressman Seth Moulton is the latest American voice airing such drastic action. Referring to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Moulton said that the U.S. should “make it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we’re going to blow up TSMC.”............




Dr Daniel Nagase is a good guy.  He tells the truth the way he sees it and damn the consequences.  Whether we want to take his predictions or opinions to heart, is up to us.  



A deadly day in the ER

My thoughts on a patient's deadly ER visit.

First off I would like to apologize to my subscribers for my 6 week hiatus. On March the 26th, I found out from my children aged 8 and 11 that my ex wife had injected them with the Covid mRNA experiment. Despite being a a registered nurse, and herself suffering side effects from the shot, she forced our kids, who knew that their father was against the “vaccine”, to take it. The worst outcome of a divorce that started shortly after I told my wife I lost my job after saving 3 lives in Rimbey Alberta came true.

My children are not the only ones who have suffered at the hands of people committing injustice in the name of covid. My journey defending the principles of medicine has brought me into contact with many women and men who have endured unconscionable acts. The case of one family who lost their 47 year old father is my substack today. He died not from a viral pneumonia, but from the intentional actions of doctors at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.............












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