Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Drone attacks inside Russia


Today, May 3, we heard of a drone attack, 2 drones were supposedly used on the Kremlin.  However, the Kremlin and its residents remain unharmed.

The article below was published on May 2 and will give you an insight into the big picture related to earlier drones, its suppliers and instigators.  Perhaps those same actors are responsible for the latest attack on the Kremlin, or perhaps it's Zelensky and NATO making the attacks look like they were carried out by non-State elements.

Will the latest drone attack on the Kremlin itself which probably hoped to assassinate Putin, escalate the NATO/Russia war even further?  Of course.  The next few days, don't be surprised if you see major strikes on Kiev.  Tit-for-tat ... and Russia is good at that game. 


Ukrainian banker offers cash for drone terror in Russia


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