Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Death of an Empire


 I have long desired the end of the warmongering empire USA.  

The hoped-for (at least by moi) civil war didn't happen even when the BLM and Antifa were doing their best.  The hoped-for, again by me I can frankly say, sedition of some states thus breaking the back of the warmonger, didn't happen.  BUT, now we can see for ourselves that the creator of chaos on our planet is becoming irrelevant.  Its war weapons are useless against Russia and the world can see how much degenerated its young generation has become and how the virus of transgenderism emitting from the USA can spread to their own countries, devastate entire families and households and create domestic terrorism.  I could say a lot more on this topic but let's stick to a sane and sober article like the one below and disregard my angry drivel.  Please go to link to read the entire article.


 When Empires Die

Years ago, Doug Casey stated, “When empires die, they do so with surprising speed.”

At the time, that comment raised eyebrows, yet he was quite correct in his observation.

Ernest Hemingway made a similar comment when a character in his novel The Sun Also Rises was asked how he went bankrupt. The answer was, “Gradually, then suddenly.”

Again, this sounds cryptic, yet it’s accurate.

Any empire, at its peak, is all-powerful, but the fragility of an empire that’s in decline is hard to grasp, as the visuals tend not to reveal what’s soon to come.

Great countries are built upon traditional values – industriousness, self-reliance, honour, etc. But empires are distinctly different. Although it may seem to be a moot point, an empire is a great country whose traditional values have led it to become unusually prosperous. There are many countries, both large and small, that are “great” in their formative values, but only a few become empires.

Yes, the prosperity is brought about through traditional values, but a great country becomes an empire only when its prosperity is sufficient to allow it to branch out – to invade other lands – to plunder their assets and subjugate their peoples.

We tend to grasp, through hindsight, that this is what made the Roman Empire possible. And we accept that the Spanish Empire was created through its invasion of the Americas and the plundering of pre-Columbian gold.

And we understand that the tiny island of Britain achieved its empire by covering the world with colonies that it had taken by force.

In every case, the pattern was the same – expand, conquer, plunder, dominate.

As a British subject, my childhood understanding was that previous empires had come about through nefarious pursuits, but I was encouraged to believe that the British empire was somehow different – that my forefathers sailed the seven seas to liberate distant populations. That, of course, was nonsense........

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