Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Stuff I found interesting enough to post on platforms ...... Oct 1 - 10, 2022 (part 1 of 2)

https://alt-market.us/anti-globalism-is-going-mainstream-which-means-engineered-disaster-is-about-to-strike/ "...The top UN adviser said during the live interview, "The main fact is that the European economy is getting hammered by this, by the sudden cut-off of energy. And now to make it definitive - the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which I would bet was a US action, perhaps US and Poland." Sachs added: "That is speculation" - before being cut-off mid sentence by show host Tom Keene, who looked a bit flabbergasted and frustrated over the perhaps unexpected turn in the interview....  




Report: US Looking to Ease Sanctions on Venezuela to Allow Chevron to Pump Oil

Sanctions on Venezuela have had a devastating impact on the civilian population

The Biden administration is preparing to ease sanctions on Venezuela to allow Chevron to pump oil in the country under a potential deal with the Venezuelan government, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The Trump administration began imposing crippling economic sanctions on Venezuela in 2017. In 2019, the US recognized opposition figure Juan Guaido as the “interim president” and backed a failed coup attempt against President Nicolas Maduro.

The sanctions on Venezuela have done little to hurt the government but have had a devastating impact on the civilian population and the country’s economy





EU parliamentarian calls to sanction Vanessa Beeley and all observers of Donbass referendums


MEP Nathalie Loiseau of France is lobbying for individual sanctions on all observers of the Russian-organized referendums in the Donbass region. She has singled out journalist Vanessa Beeley not only for her coverage of the vote, but for her reporting on the foreign-backed war against Syria’s government.

A French Member of European Parliament (MEP), Natalie Loiseau, has delivered a letter to EU High Representative of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Borrell, demanding the European Union place personal sanctions on all international observers of the recent votes in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and certain Russian-controlled territories in eastern Ukraine.

Obtained by The Grayzone from an EU source, the letter is currently being circulated among European parliamentarians in hopes of securing a docket of supportive signatures.......



 Behold the power of Israeli masters over their US minions.  They got Katie Halper fired from The Hill for daring to speak the truth.


"..In the last year, several Palestinian journalists have been killed by Israeli forces. The prominent Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh is perhaps the best-known example, which the Israeli government initially tried to cover up. But she’s not the only one. Ghufran Harun Warasneh was shot on her way to work and Yousef Abu Hussein was killed in an airstrike last year in his Gaza home. The stories of these murdered journalists, and the future stories they did not live to report on, still need to be told. Censorship and cancellation and firings have a chilling effect—that’s their purpose. We can find our own purpose in fighting back.... 



  At ZeroHedge found this informative comment on an article on Ukraine with some appalling video links tied to covid vax. The stuff we see these days reminds me of  the Believe It or Not clippings my dad used to cut out of magazines and newspapers and use them for long discussions. 



vaxxed bus driver
This was in Sivas, Turkey! Now we know how most of the people are going to die!!!

vaxxed shopper
Same as above, the vax spinning death, just like videos last week too..

vaxxed commuter
Twitching like a mad cow

Spinning death mystery
What Are These People Seeing Before Suddenly Collapsing?

New Phenomenon: “Spinning Circle Of Death” (5G + Vaccines)
First, they see something over their shoulder, compelling them to turn their head. As their head lifts, their body turns and they raise an arm as if to point at the unseen thing, then they spiral into collapse and begin to spasm... I play doctor late nights at the holiday inn, and i am telling you for sure, that is nanolipids in the fecking brain people. Mad cow disease. vax encephalitis. Seriously, however, this concerns me, and I think it should concern us all very much too.

Please whatever you do, do not get the jab.
Kill Switch: Jabbed looking at something, then spinning around, and then dropping



US colony of South Korea bombs itself with, most probably a US-made missile, which was meant to put a show of "flexing muscles" to North Korea's missile test launches.

 Things are hotting up in Ukraine. Time to send them more billions of $ssss. If you think this would have been any different under a Republican prez, you have sadly bought into the 2 party illusion.

Biden Promises Zelensky Further Advanced Air Defense Systems After Attacks

Update(1741ET): Immediately upon Monday's major wave of airstrikes on dozens of cities and towns across Ukraine, the Zelensky government renewed its appeal for Washington to urgently send more anti-air defense systems to help "close the skies" - as President Zelensky had earlier in the war said to Congress.

President Biden in a phone call responded positively to the request, telling Zelensky the US will continue providing the weapons needed, which is to include more air defenses, most likely the NASAMS anti-air defense systems which since the summer the Pentagon has been providing.......



 MaximeBernier on Gettr
Fossil fuel is essential for our civilization to continue to flourish. And climate alarmism is an anti-human ideology. Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less By Alex Epstein 

I am relieved I got suspended from #Twitter coz its becoming a dangerous place for people who believe in free speech as there are too many folks on Twitter who are not. Read πŸ‘‡to see how a spat on that platform got a British woman arrested for her stance that a biological man is a man and can NEVER become a woman.

After what the Canadian govt did re covid/vax, I know it is capable of pure evil.
 "... At the end of 2018, as my company was crumbling, CSIS director David Vigneault had the nerve to unironically deliver a speech to the Economic Club of Canada warning their members about industrial espionage. He also said “accountability is at the center of everything we do”, which strikes me as utterly hypocritical coming from the head of an organization that is exempted from key sections of the Criminal Code,
been caught repeatedly lying to judges in order to obtain warrants, destroying evidence a court ordered them to produce, destroying a file on Pierre Trudeau that was about to fall into public hands... 
 MaximeBernier at Gettr
Governments need to stop fuelling housing inflation with mass immigration policies! Find out about the solutionπŸ‘‡ https://www.thepeoplespartyofcanada.ca/issues/housing
Governments need to stop fuelling housing inflation with mass immigration policies!

Find out about the solutionπŸ‘‡
 "...The covid agenda utterly failed if the goal was to implement longstanding mandates and restrictions across North America and Europe. If you want to know what success for the globalists would have looked like, just examine China with its endless lockdown cycles and digital vaccine passports. The elites wanted that outcome for the west and they didn’t get it. They came close, but millions of Americans, Canadians and Europeans stood their ground and the cost to force us into compliance would have been too great. Even Joe Biden has openly admitted that the pandemic is over. They dropped the mandates because they knew if it came to war, they would lose...

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