Friday, September 30, 2022

Some items on current events I posted on various platforms from Sept 21 - 30, 2022 ... Part 1

 Some items I was sure I had posted 10 days ago are not to be seen. I think something went wrong somewhere. Probably my error. Going to keep only few items per post for now, makes it easier to check if all have taken.   


Martin Sonneborn of EU parliament has sharp but accurate words flung at the EU Commission witch Ursula von der Leyen. He calls her not only a "criminal" but a person without morality. Bravo Mr. Sonneborn !! href="">#eupolitics 


 Dr Ron Paul: ".... According to the NAEP, since the 2020 school shutdowns the average nine-year-old suffered a decline in reading skills and math skills. The reading skills decline is the largest since 1990. The math skills decline is the first ever reported by NAEP. What makes this especially tragic is that there was no medical justification for closing the schools. Children are unlikely to either contract or spread covid, so the idea that schools had to close to prevent children from infecting their families may be the most absurd of all the absurd claims made by covid authoritarians like Dr. Anthony “I represent science” Fauci.... href=" 


Maxime Bernier: " Oakville Trafalgar HS has a dress code rule on its website that says students should not wear clothes that make genitals or nipples visible. But it’s ok for a pervert male teacher to do it with enormous fake boobs because he’s expressing his “gender identity.”


There's something nasty that's happened in Utah and probably still happening.

Are The Children Lying? Re-examining The “Satanic Panic”

NBC News released two propaganda pieces this week designed to associate concerns about sexual abuse of children and abuses of political power with violence and the so-called “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s. Derrick Broze breaks down how these hit pieces fail to accurately report the truth.

On Wednesday, NBC News published two articles from two different journalists with the apparent goal of painting those who question the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, or those with stories of child sexual abuse, as dangerous people, potentially murderers, lying in wait.

One of the articles focuses on an investigation announced by the Utah County Sheriff’s office (UCSO) in late May regarding claims of “ritualized child sexual abuse“. NBC News Senior Reporter Brandy Zadronsky attempts to frame this investigation as part of ongoing Q anon fantasies, itself an alleged revival of the so-called “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s. In the second 


Ukrainian Army War Crimes Include Shelling of Ambulences, Firetrucks, and Rescue Workers in the Donbass Republics—Similar to Israelis and U.S. Backed Terrorists in Syria

By Eva Bartlett

In the more than eight years of bombing the civilians of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Ukraine has committed untold numbers of war crimes. These include bombing residential areas, markets, hospitals, schools, parks—including with prohibited heavy weapons and banned cluster munitions—and, since late July, raining banned “Petal” mines down on populated civilian areas, including the very center of Donetsk, including as recently as September 7.

A lesser-known war crime is Ukraine’s routine targeting of ambulances, fire trucks, medics and rescuers, and their headquarters and stations. Many of the times Ukraine bombs such heroic rescuers, it is when they are on the way, or already on site, to help civilians often themselves just bombed by Ukraine.

On August 21, Ukrainian shelling of the DPR’s Gorlovka wounded twelve, including five firefighters.

The day prior, Ukrainian shelling targeted an ambulance station in the LPR’s Lysychansk, wounding several and damaging some of the ambulances......


 I am hoping the fucking mullahs are taken down this time.  The Iranian women have suffered far too much in this damned theocratic nation.  Don't give a hoot if the two countries I criticize the most, USA and Israel, are the culprits behind the mass protests. The mullahs need to be buried 100 feet deep.


 "...Mahsa, originally from the city of Saqqez, but on holiday in Tehran, was arrested by the morality police on the evening of Tuesday 13 September for wearing her headscarf improperly. She was dragged into a van and taken away for “re-education”. Mere hours later, she was pronounced braindead. The regime initially dismissed any wrongdoing, releasing CCTV footage that supposedly showed a healthy-looking Mahsa Amini collapsing due to a purported heart attack. Under the pressure of rising protests however, a report of a CT scan has later been said to reveal a bone fracture, haemorrhage, and brain edema, which would confirm that she died......


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