Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Continuing down the rabbit hole .... August 10, 2021


The madness of the Australian politicians and the health officers there  is only  an iota more than the insanity seen  in Canada, especially that special kind of looney tunes seen in the Doug Ford admin and the evil emitting from Dr Eileen de Villa. in Ontario.






A vigilant French citizen shows posters for either covid tests or passports which were printed in Jan, 2020 long before their official first wave.





Ben Swann of RT  on the push-back in Spain and France

https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=france covid pass[orts&kind=video



This is how it must have been in Germany during those Nazi times.  France's controllers are hoping to divide the people between the vax and the unvax just like how the Nazis divided Germans from  German Jews, German Roma and other "deplorables".   Look at the sheep in the vid meekly showing their papers.  I would have rather stayed away from such places instead of being subjected to this kind of degradation.


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