Sunday, August 8, 2021

Continuing down the covid rabbit hole ........... August, 8, 2021

 Some interesting videos I have watched of late.

 From part of the description at vid:


Dr. Jane Ruby raises an urgent alarm over the rising number of deaths and adverse reactions-especially heart issues, blood clots, and life-injuries in children 12-17 post the mRNA vaccines--which the CDC acknowledges in its Morbidity Weekly Reports--pointing out that Pfizer has recently put in an EUA application for children even younger, 2-12, while the numbers of deaths reported at all the Adverse Reactions databases are climbing horrribly--CDC, MHRA Yellow Card, Eudra Vigilance is still climbing: 35,227 DEATHS and 3,679,601 INJURIES though July 23, 2021 (Source--Health Impact News articles, posting the figures)--that is, over 35,000 deaths and over 3.5 million vaccine injury events now. 14 children are acknowledged dead post vaccine by the CDC in its MMWR report......




I get a lot of good info on what's happening in the UK from the guys below.

 Their website:

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