Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A couple of items regarding you know what

Just saying goodbye to a nasty cough/cold/fever spell of the last few days.  Hey ... maybe it's the Delta variant.  Enjoying it coz  now I have a genuine excuse for sipping delightfully on hot Brandy/Honey/Ginger/Cloves/herbal tea cocktail from a very tall glass.  Also, took the Benylin All In One syrup I had picked up for $3 something from SDM a few months ago.  The expiry date says June 2021, but it worked for me. LOL.  If the PCR test was run on me,  the ghouls would 100% declare I have contracted Covid  (that would be the second time, since I had it in Jan 2020 but doncha know covid can come and go in folks already had it ...the government quacks and the politicians say so, so it must be so, right?) or they would say I have the terrifying **shiver** ** shiver** Delta variant.  

When will people realize that this flu-like new disease is endemic and learn to live with it.  Just take better care of yourselves and keep the usual flu medication around.  Take vitamin D3 and a multi-vitamin that includes zinc on a daily basis.  Even if you do catch the new disease or any of the variants, you will be in a better shape to  fight them off and won't be under the weather for more than 2/3 days like I was.  No biggie at all !!

Enough about me.   Below some stuff worth watching.



 Dr Geoff Mitchell relates what he saw in Africa.  Really worth a watch.



This from Australia.  Vaccine injuries and deaths continue.  A healthy teen is now wheelchair ridden, a wife mourns for her husband lost to the experiment, a daughter talks about her mother who was coerced into taking the first dose by the Nazis who came to her door and passed away a few weeks later.  

There have been 350 deaths following the vaccine and more than 41,000 injuries relating to the vaccine in Australia since Jan this year.




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