Thursday, April 8, 2021

Lots of catching up to do reading on the worst of strange times we live in now. The wars, the diseases, the warlords, the thieves, the manipulators of society, etc,etc

 Link below contains the video, soundcloud and transcript of entire very informative interview.

This from the transcript:

William I Robinson:  ..... There's something else going on.  I mean, there's too much to even to get in here in the brief interview is what I call global green zoning and global gray zoning.  If I have just a minute to quickly throw this out, when the US invaded Iraq in 2003, they set up in the center of Iraq and I know, you know, you know all of this.  They since set up what they call the green zone.  Inside that green zone they have impenetrable barriers.  You couldn't get in, you couldn't get out.  Even, you know, big bombs couldn't even bring down the green zone.  Inside was the US military and political occupation forces and the new Iraqi elite cultivated and brought to power by that invasion.  Outside was the gray zone where it's this massive immiseration, daily warfare and destruction, and death.  And so you have these two different worlds separated by these barriers......

Emergence of the global police state
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the emergence of the global police state with Professor William I. Robinson. Robinson’s new book, The Global Police State, uses shocking data to reveal how far capitalism has become a system of repression. He argues the emerging megacities of the world are becoming the battlegrounds where the excluded and the oppressed face off against the global police state.

Robinson is Professor of Sociology, Global Studies, and Latin American Studies, at the University of California-Santa Barbara. Among his many award-winning books are Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity (CUP, 2014) and We Will Not Be Silenced (Pluto, 2017).




Some very well known anti-war people have signed the document below knowing full well that the dying empire is cooking up a witches brew to create more havoc in the Middle East.  Check out the link and see the signatories.

Statement of Concern
The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria
We wish to express our deep concern over the protracted controversy and political fall-out surrounding the OPCW and its investigation of the alleged chemical weapon attacks in Douma, Syria, on 7 April 2018.
Since the publication by the OPCW of its final report in March 2019, a series of worrying developments has raised serious and substantial concerns with respect to the conduct of that investigation. These developments include instances in which OPCW inspectors involved with the investigation have identified major procedural and scientific irregularities, the leaking of a significant quantity of corroborating documents, and damning statements provided to UN Security Council meetings. It is now well established that some senior inspectors involved with the investigation, one of whom played a central role, reject how the investigation derived its conclusions, and OPCW management now stands accused of accepting unsubstantiated or possibly manipulated findings with the most serious geo-political and security implications. Calls by some members of the Executive Council of the OPCW to allow all inspectors to be heard were blocked.


Moon of Alabama spotlights a new phrase " global resistance economy" a term used by Alastair Crooke in his latest article.

I have experienced on Twitter that whenever I try to post anything from or and even some stuff from and also from the item won't take or I am shadow banned for up to 24 hours.  I hope Google's algo gods have not been attracted to my blog here.  The times we live in!!  Freedom of Speech is dying right before our eyes and we are ALMOST totally helpless to fight the demons killing it.

It's a good read and as long as Moon of Alabama blog is angelic in the algo gods' eyes .... for now .... we can access some "forbidden fruit."




Methanol for the CoV2 Hypodermic Chemical Experiment

“There you have it — At-will, AKA at the beckon call, beckon abuse, beckon exploitation, beckon denigration, beckon injurious behavior and workplace environment. These employers are thugs, and from the top down, with their lawyers and MBAs and institutional misleadership yahoos at the executive level, the worker is doomed by this sick system. Forced vaccinations for schools, colleges, workplaces. The systems need to burn!”

Of course, I am asked not to identify the person who wrote this to me. We all are being surveilled by these Stasi folk, whether we work for a governmental agency, school systems, private college, for-profit business, mom and pop lowbrow joint, nonprofit, you name it.

They (bosses, agencies, pre-employment interviewers) sign up for Google search notifications — any time their company is named in the media or on digital platforms, they get notifications. They track what’s said about their business, corporation, nonprofit, agency, school. That is also for anyone they want to put into the Google-Palantir search engine, for a price, monthly rate, be it a person’s name. Like mine, hmm........

 ........Low income, lots of working class people, workers in the developing world. Slick multimillion dollar a year ad campaigns: Slick, and Scientific (sic). Data driven.  Imagine, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. Of these deaths, 1.2 million are caused by secondhand smoke exposure. Talk about an epidemic, pandemic. You know that every rotting Southern pol and every single tobacco lobbyist and every grower and CEO, they pooh-pooh these stats. “Prove it. If it’s that deadly, then why’s it legal?”...................


Think hard about an experimental mRNA chemical put into a syringe and then forcefully delivered to the global population. Hmm, would this have been acceptable in 2019? 2001? 1990? The year I was born, 1957?

Of course not, and yet, this is it, with people being shamed or called out for reluctance on an experimental, emergency authorized, untested chemical and DNA morphing drug being forcefully put into one’s body. Not once, but with a booster, and then, now, as the world burns, yearly or bi-yearly boosters for the “new” variants of a corona cold virus.................................




 I am a salt lover, always have been.

Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch

You don’t give your real data when you’re signing up for things online, do you? Well, perhaps you shouldn’t. Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he goes over the benefits of salting your data.


 Too many earthlings have a God-complex.  There are far too many Gates-like do gooders on this planet.  Remember someone said  something wise  akin to  " the road to disaster is paved with  good intentions" or  words to that effect.


Cooling the Planet?

Grandiose plans to cool Earth, saving the planet from overheating by utilizing low-tech balloon flights sprinkling particles into the atmosphere to reflect solar radiation back into outer space have been delayed. Nobody knows for sure when, or if, it’ll proceed......



Questions about BBC producer’s ties to UK intelligence follow ‘Mayday’ White Helmets whitewash

The BBC’s Chloe Hadjimatheou produced a podcast serial designed to rehabilitate the White Helmets’ late, scandal-stained founder, while blaming critics for his demise. Was she a channel for a wider British intelligence operation?

White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier falling to his death from the top floor of his Istanbul home in uncertain circumstances in November 2019 created a myriad of extremely serious problems for a great many powerful people. 

At the time, the White Helmets’ intimate ties to jihadist groups were being probed and publicized ever-more widely, and the group’s – and Le Mesurier’s – seemingly central role in the staging of phony chemical attacks and sabotage of subsequent Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons investigations into the alleged incidents was becoming increasingly apparent. Mere days before his death, Le Mesurier even confessed to the overseas governments funding his company Mayday – and by extension the White Helmets – that widespread allegations of financial impropriety on his part were true. .......................



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